Updated: April 2024
About you
Your name: Polly Reed
Your role: Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer
Is your role politically restricted? Yes
Are you part of any contracting or grants-making exercise as part of your role? Yes
Are you a councillor or a member of another public body? No
Your interests
Do you have any other employment, office, trade, profession or vocation, or carry out voluntary work? No
Are you a member of an external organisation? Yes. Governor for Lady Katherine Leveson Primary School, Temple Balsall
Are you personally, or a close family member, involved with any business which may tender for a contract being let by either the PCC or Warwickshire Police? No
Do you have an interest in any land which the PCC owns of leases (eg. leases to you or to an organisation you are involved in)? No
Are you a shareholder in any company related to your role? This includes if you do this in the capacity of your role. No
Do you have any other interests that you would like to tell us about? No
I declare that the information I have provided is accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief, that I have provided all information that ought to have been provided and that none of the details set out are materially false or misleading. I recognise that a failure to declare an interest or the provision of false or misleading information may result in disciplinary action.
Signed: Polly Reed