The Police and Crime Commissioner’s Award for Excellence in Policing and Community Safety is recognises of outstanding and sustained work in support of the ambitions of the objectives of the Warwickshire Police and Crime Plan. Launched in 2017, the annual award is open to police officers, PCSOs, police staff and volunteers as well as members of the public, either as individuals or as part of a team.
The winning nominee or nominees must demonstrate:-
- outstanding performance delivered over a sustained period of time;
- activity which is above and beyond what is expected of their normal day-to-day role;
- a contribution to a reduction in crime and disorder and improved community safety in Warwickshire;
- their activity supports the priorities in the Police and Crime Plan;
- and has made a real difference under challenging circumstances.
The winner is revealed by the Commissioner each autumn as part of the Chief Constable’s Awards Evening.
2019 awards

PCC Philip Seccombe and 2019 Excellence in Policing and Community Safety Award Winner, PC Stephen Croshaw
The winner of the 2019 Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Award for Excellence in Policing and Community Safety has been revealed as PC Stephen Croshaw, from Warwickshire Police’s Nuneaton Safer Neighbourhood Team.
Announced by Commissioner Philip Seccombe as part of the annual Chief Constable’s Commendations evening in Leamington Spa, the award recognises PC Croshaw’s outstanding work with young people and partner organisations creating educational videos to highlight a range of important issues
Completely in his own time, PC Croshaw has produced numerous short videos of topics from serious and organised crime to health and wellbeing, hate crime, child sexual exploitation, domestic abuse and volunteering. His work has raised awareness in many ways for members of the public to better understand and recognise vulnerabilities in our communities, especially those linked to organised crime.
One example has seen PC Croshaw working with a local 16-year-old Anti-Hate rap artist, creating a You Tube video to highlight the issue of county lines drug dealing. This is a serious national problem involving drug gangs and Stephen’s video has received wide acclaim, including an endorsement from the National Crime Agency.
PC Croshaw has also previously worked closely with crime and disorder partners and created videos for the ‘Love Instead of Hate’ and ‘Hate Crime FREE-style’ projects. Several of his other videos have been adopted by Warwickshire Police for training purposes, for example his work on problem solving and how it can lead to reductions in crime and anti-social behaviour.
Read more about the 2019 winner
Highly Commended
For the first time this year two further ‘highly commended’ awards were made also made by the Commissioner, due to the high quality of nominations received.
Ann Johnson, who until recently led the Stratford Link project for rough sleepers, the street community and the socially excluded in Stratford-upon-Avon, was recognised for her dedication in helping people who often lead complex and chaotic lives, with individual health needs and sometimes challenging behaviour. While the Link project itself is currently undergoing a strategic review, the contribution that Ann has made over the past few years continues to be felt.
Christopher Langman was also highly commended for his voluntary work at Henley Community Library, where he gives his time freely to give people advice and information about staying safe online. He was also nominated for a second time for his work developing a set of easy read guides for Warwickshire Police, Stratford-on-Avon District Council and other partners, to help people with learning difficulties understand how to access key services and also how to stay safe. Christopher is a key supporter of the multi-agency initiatives to tackle hate crime in the county and was also recently one of the ‘faces’ of a Warwickshire Police hate crime awareness initiative.
Role of honour
2018 – Robin Bunyard

Robin Bunyard PCC Award Winner 2018 with PCC Seccombe
Last year, Robin Bunyard from Rugby was recognised for his work over more than 25 years as a vehicle-recovery contractor for Warwickshire Police, providing facilities, support and guidance in all matters vehicle-related.
Over and above this he supplies Warwickshire Police with vehicle examination facilities at no cost, as well as giving disposal vehicles for free, which the force uses for officer training exercises. He has also been an ever-present fixture at open days and other events organised by Warwickshire Police, providing vehicle recovery displays and public demonstrations simply for the enjoyment of passing on his knowledge and enthusiasm.
This close association with the police has come at some personal cost, including a devastating arson attack on his business premises 10 years ago which was in reprisal for the work he conducts for the force.
Despite all of this, whatever has been asked of Robin and his business, he has worked tirelessly to provide.
2017 – PC Martin Rone-Clarke

Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner handing the Award for Excellence in Policing and Community Safety to PC Martin Rone-Clarke.
The inaugural winner was PC Martin Rone-Clarke, Warwickshire Police’s Gypsy and Traveller Liaison Officer.
PC Rone-Clarke has been a key figure working with the Commissioner’s Office and key partners to help launch the new county-wide protocol which seeks to ensure a co-ordinated response to the rise in unauthorised encampments in Warwickshire over the past two years.
Over the last 12 months, PC Rone-Clarke has interacted personally with the occupants of 122 unauthorised encampments, which collectively have had more than 1,100 caravans. In identifying the best way to deal with encampments effectively, lawfully and in a fair way to both the settled and travelling communities, he has helped break down many of the traditional communications barriers that can exist.
Over the course of the past two years he has worked closely with Warwickshire County Council’s Community Safety and Locality Team as well as district and borough councils across the county, while also providing a key support for police Safer Neighbourhood Teams. He has also been able to establish an effective rapport with the travelling community, which has been vital to negotiating speedier and more effective outcomes, as well as helping to gain a better understanding of the issues which lead to unauthorised encampments.