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Independent Custody Visitor volunteer role

Two custody visitors in a cell with a detaineeWe are keen to hear from people interested in volunteering as Independent Custody Visitors (ICVs). Recruited by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner from the local community, the volunteers are entirely independent of the police service.

Following training, ICVs work in pairs and are able to make unannounced visits to police stations within the force area to check on the welfare of people detained in custody. They observe, comment and report on the conditions and treatment of people detained. They also check that the statutory rights and entitlements governing the welfare of detainees are being observed.

As an ICV, you will have a vital role in ensuring the welfare of persons in police custody in Warwickshire and strengthening public confidence in police custody practices. You will be assigned to a Panel near to where you live or work and, with another custody visitor, you will be asked to make unannounced visits to the police custody suites, either at Leamington Spa or Nuneaton.

As a volunteer you will be given the opportunity to make a valuable contribution to your community, develop your skills and experience, meet people and make friends. You will be provided with training and support to carry out the role. The role is voluntary (unpaid), although reasonable travelling expenses are paid.

The scheme does not require a lot of a volunteer’s time but there will be some unsocial hours as visits can take place at any time within a 24 hour period. You are expected to make a commitment to carry out a minimum of one custody visit per month (lasting approximately one hour plus travel time). In addition you will be expected to attend three evening Panel meetings per year and one or two additional meetings or training events per year, usually held on Saturdays.

To be eligible to apply you must be over 18, live or work in the Warwickshire policing area, and have been a resident of the UK for at least 3 years. You will not be suitable if there could be a conflict of interest e.g. you are a serving Police Officer or Justice of the Peace (Magistrate) or if you have a criminal conviction.

All applications are subject to Police vetting.

How to apply

If you are interested in applying for this voluntary role, please read the documents below and then download and complete the application form.

Send return your completed application form by email to

Documents and links

If you require further information about role, please visit our Independent Custody Visitor pages or contact Claire Morris at the email above for an informal discussion.