Decision Reference Number: WPC4-0038
Lead Officer: Calum Walmsley
Chief Officer approval: Chief Constable Alex Franklin Smith
Date: 09/01/2025
Publication: Information in this form is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI Act) and other legislation. Unless the information provided is covered by an exemption and stated to be either confidential or partly confidential, the information contained in the form will be published on the OPCC website.
Status: Non-confidential
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Decision summary:
This decision notice is for approval of the submitting of a planning application for the Leek Wooton External Transformation.
I confirm that my register of interests declaration is up to date and that none of my interests preclude me from making this decision.
Signature: P. Seccombe
Date: 14/01/2025
Supporting information
1. Background information: why do we need to make this decision?
Following reoccupation of the Leek Wootton Headquarters, it has been highlighted that substantial investment is required to ensure the facilities at Leek Wootton are adequate to support operational policing requirements. Works required include increased car parking, security improvements and lighting enhancements.
In September 2023, Bailey Garner presented a feasibility study for parking and external security improvements at the Leek Wootton site. The study established a budget for the project at £1.7m. The study recommended the introduction of a new carpark at the base of the site, behind the existing Training Building, and included 185 additional carparking spaces.
In late June 2024, a new design team concluded an Option Study for the Leek Wootton External Transformation Project, where the location of new carparking was revisited from a heritage, ecological and traffic flow perspective. Three options were tabled for review. The design options captured an enhanced requirement – creating up to 395 additional carparking spaces (650 spaces in total).
A Planning Pre-application (including Options 1 and 2) was registered with Warwick District Council on 17th July 2024. A draft written response was received on 1st October 2024 and the case officers’ comments were presented to the Estates team on 2nd October 2024.
A revised layout design was issued for client review 22nd October incorporating a 1-way system with vehicle tracking. The design included 600 car parking spaces in total.
External works to improve the safety and security of the Warwickshire Police Headquarters’ staff, visitors and policing operations.
Improvements identified include:
- Resurfacing of existing roads, paths and car parks
- Additional car parks
- Temporary overflow car park
- New pedestrian footpaths
- External lighting, CCTV and security barriers/huts on entrance roads
- Shade canopies and security fencing/gates to OPU
- Garden of reflection
- Structural landscaping
- Biodiversity net gain
Comments received at the workplace forum were incorporated into the layout design. The layout was approved and frozen to allow the planning application documents to be prepared as of 5th November 2024.
The Pre-app response was formalised by Warwick District Council on 6th December 2024 to include the objection raised by Sport England to the temporary carpark application. Following design freeze in early November, the design team have gone on to commission all the supporting surveys required to support the full planning application.
A full planning application is now ready to be submitted, and the final design has received PCC and Chief Officer approval at the GSB meeting on the 5th November 2024.
The planning application has been confirmed as meeting operational policing needs with due consideration made for allowances for future expansion of the Force.
2. What additional documents are relied upon? Please provide a link or separate attachments.
Appendix 2 – Planning statement
Appendix 3 – Minutes from GSB November Meeting
3. What benefits will this bring, including financial, social or environmental benefits?
The additional parking will resolve the parking pressures currently at Leek Wootton.
Security enhancements and pedestrian footpaths will ensure the estate is a safe place to work and aligns with other areas of the wider estate.
Bio diversity enhancements of 10.46% over the current baseline will improve the bio-diversity on the estate, improving our environmental impact.
The additional capacity to car parking will enable more staff to return to the office on a daily basis, promoting better team working.
Landscaping improvements will benefit staff wellbeing with the introduction of pathways and outside areas able to be accessed in break times.
4. What is the impact of not approving the application?
Delaying the submission of a full planning application for the external transformation of the Leek Wootton Estate. This delays the resolution of the identified issues within Leek Wootton Headquarters.
5. How much will it cost? (please provide cost breakdown, including any identified savings, and include where they have been approved)
The costs for the design stage of the project are provided for and approved within the 2024/25 budget of £247,000. These costs were approved under the year one capital projects Decision Notice in 2024.
The entire project estimate is circa £2.8m. A budget of £1.5m has been allowed for within the 2025/26 budget process.
Due to the shortfall in funding, the plan is to deliver the project in phases once planning has been obtained. The project has been split into phases and it is proposed that agreement as to what can be delivered within the budget will be discussed at Infrastructure Board as and when costs are known, prior to instruction.
6. Who has been consulted on this proposal?
The PCC, DPCC, OPCC CEX and Chief Officers have all reviewed the planning drawings.
Representatives from Police Officers and Staff working at Leek Wootton have been consulted for feedback on the designs.
Pre planning advice has been sought from Warwick District Council and details have been provided to the Parish Council.
7. Will this decision have an impact on any specific individuals or groups or communities?
Equality diversity and inclusion have been factored into the designs. Disabled parking will be provided at a level in line with planning guidance. Level access is proposed to routes into the estate to ensure access is provided for all.
8. Does this decision have legal implications? Has legal advice been sought?
Planning advice from a planning consultant has been provided to produce a planning statement for the submission.
Comments from the Chief Finance Officer
The submission of a planning application to Warwick District Council, is required to seek planning approval for this project, which will provide the required enhancements to the estate at Leek Wootton.
Budget provision for some but not all phases of the project has been made within the 2024/25 capital budget and in the draft 2025/26 capital programme (subject to final approval in February 2025). Further work will be required once planning approval has been granted to understand what work needs to be prioritised, and how any outstanding required works can be financed.
Comments from the Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer
This project has been planned with care over time, to take into account the specific nature of the Woodcote Estate, and balancing it with the requirements of operational policing, for now and the future.