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WPCC3-0107 – Repair of bell tower at Woodcote House

Decision Reference Number: WPC3-0107

Lead Officer: Polly Reed, Chief Executive

Chief Officer approval: ACC Ben Smith

Date: 18/10/23

Status: Non-confidential

Decision summary:

This application is for funding for the repair of the Bell Tower on the Grade II Woodcote house building at Leek Wootton.

I confirm that my register of interests declaration is up to date and that none of my interests preclude me from making this decision.

Signature: Philip Seccombe TD

Date: 10/01/24

Supporting information

1. Background information

Following completion of further condition survey works, it was identified that the Bell Tower on Woodcote House was in poor condition and at risk of being damaged in severe weather. Falling pieces of Bell Tower could result in a health and safety risk to visitors, staff and officers.

Woodcote House is a Grade II listed building and the OPCC has a duty of care to maintain this listed asset.

The cost of these works is £150,197.59 which includes specialist conservation works, scaffolding and liaising with the conservation officer throughout the works.

The works will be managed by the in-house Estates and FM team and completed by our existing partner, GFM, who have recently been through a competitive tender exercise.

2. List of additional information attached as appendices

Cost schedule from GFM.

3. Expected benefits

  • Protection of the listed asset
  • Avoidance of additional costs due to deterioration of the building
  • Removal of health and safety risk

4. Impact of not approving the application

  • Deterioration of the Grade II listed building
  • Health and safety risks due to water ingres and tiles and/or stonework falling from the roof and building.
  • Risk of prosecution due to the above.

5. Costs (including any identified savings)

There are no revenue costs but completing this work will avoid revenue costs associated with making good the damage from water ingress.

£124,657.92 – Grahams FM as attached plus;

£   1,437.50 – Feasibility Study

£   7,187.50 – Design Fee

£ 33,118.58 – Scaffolding

£166,401.50 total capital cost of these works which includes specialist conservation works, scaffolding and liaising with the conservation officer throughout the works.

6. Equality considerations

None identified

7. Legal comments

Non identified

8. Social or Environmental considerations

The OPCC has a duty of care to maintain the Grade II listed building of Woodcote House. It is a historical building in a conservation area and as such needs to be safeguarded.

9. Publication

Information in this form is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI Act) and other legislation.  Unless the information provided is covered by an exemption, the information contained in the form will be published on the Warwickshire PCC website.

Comments from the Treasurer

The works can be funded through the existing capital programme, and capital budget should now be allocated to this project to enable the works to be completed.

Comments from the Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer

This work is essential in ensuring the estates is maintained and well presented, preserving the listed status of the bell tower. It must be part of a wider programme of works to maintain the heritage of the estate.