Decision Reference Number: WPCC3-0123
Lead Officer: Nathan Moore
Chief Officer approval: Ben Smith
Date: 15/2/2024
Status: Non-confidential
Decision summary:
This application is for funding for an internal refurbishment project at Bedworth Police Station.
I confirm that my register of interests declaration is up to date and that none of my interests preclude me from making this decision.
Signature: P.Seccombe
Date: 16/02/2024
Supporting information
1. Background information
As part of the ongoing review of our Estate we have been identifying high priority sites that are subject to major refurbishment works. Priority is being placed on sites that demonstrate that the condition of the internal envelope is having a disruptive impact on operations and staff morale. Bedworth Police Station is in much need of an interior overhaul in over 90% of its internal areas, which house Policing deliverables and Support staff working environments.
The scope of works includes new floor coverings and redecoration to the majority of rooms on the Upper Ground and First Floors. The project also includes a complete refurbishment of WC, Shower and Kitchen areas. The works will be carried out by Grahams FM.
2. List of additional information attached as appendices
Project Specification, including:
3. Expected benefits
- Improved working environment for all building users
- Modernised WC and Shower facilities
- Anti-glare roller blinds introduced to all working areas
4. Impact of not approving the application
- Ongoing high maintenance costs
- Disruption caused by ongoing maintenance work
- Further dilapidation of the site
- Health & Safety concerns increasing and not being addressed.
5. Costs (including any identified savings)
Revenue Costs (flooring and redecoration): £250,104
Capital Costs (WC, shower and kitchen improvements): £265,631*
Total: £515,735
*Includes Consultant Costs
6. Equality considerations
This project results in the internal finishes and working environment at Bedworth Police Station being comparable to other Police Stations in the WP estate.
7. Legal comments
None identified.
8. Social or Environmental considerations
The OPCC has a duty of care protect Police Staff and Officers from harm as well as having a duty of care to ensure continuity of service to the public.
9. Publication
Information in this form is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI Act) and other legislation. Unless the information provided is covered by an exemption and stated to be either confidential or partly confidential, the information contained in the form will be published on the OPCC website.
Comments from the Treasurer
This project is budgeted for in the 2023/24 estates capital budget, following the acceleration of funding from the 2024/25 programme. Project spending will be monitored and reported to the PCC in the regular Money Matters reports. The refurbishment works also include some revenue works, which is included within the annual estate budget. The Bedworth Capital refurbishment project also includes some further work on ceilings, not within the scope of this decision notice, and funding will remain in place for that within the capital programme.
Comments from the Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer
This work is essential to ensure a fit for purpose environment for the policing workforce and to maintain the asset.