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WPCC3-0118 Leek Wootton Stoneworks Project

Decision Reference Number: WPCC3-0118

Lead Officer: Polly Reed – Chief Executive OPCC

Chief Officer approval: ACC Ben Smith

Date: 06/02/24

Status: Non-Confidential

Decision summary:

External repairs (masonry, rainwater goods and roof tiles) to the Grade II Listed Woodcote House, Leek Wootton.

I confirm that my register of interests declaration is up to date and that none of my interests preclude me from making this decision.

Signature:  P.Seccombe

Date: 06/02/2024

Supporting information

1. Background information

This Decision Notice is for the repair works to the stonework of Grade II listed Woodcote House. The repairs vary depending on the severity of the issue, and range from as little as mortar replacement up to full stone replacements.  The existing rainwater goods (gutters and downpipes) also need repair or replacement in a number of locations, as do some of the roof tiles and chimneys.

The external façade has been surveyed by a heritage building surveyor (Rapleys) – who has completed a full scope of works schedule for pricing.  The building has also been inspected by a Petrologist, who has taken samples of the stonework to a laboratory in order to identify the most suitable stone match.  The external drainage (below and above ground) has been surveyed, and the remedial recommendations are encapsulated in the tender documentation.

Listed building consent was granted for a smaller scheme of remedials on 20th February 2023.  Upon approval of this DN, a Non-Material Amendment will be submitted to Warwick District Council to capture the total scope of works, together with a repair glossary for the enhanced scheme.

2. List of additional information attached as appendices

3. Expected benefits

  • Preservation of the Grade II Listed Building.
  • The blocked external rainwater pipes are believed to be a key contributor to the damp issues around the main staircase and central WC area.
  • Improved working environment for building users.

4. Impact of not approving the application

  • Further deterioration of the building fabric.

5. Costs (including any identified savings)

  • Project cost to be advised via a competitive tender, which will also ensure value for money.
  • Rapleys have suggested a budget of £860k for the façade restoration.
  • The above figure excludes specialist scaffold provision, drainage remedials, window frame repairs and professional team fees (including planning and building control).
  • This DN therefore requests approval of a project budget range between £1,000,000 and £1,200,000. Additional budget has been made available for this project by redirecting some provision held for Custody Projects (£357k) and accelerating monies from FY25/26 to the value of £143k.
  • The Contract Sum Analysis which will be issued to tendering parties is broken down by repair priority and by elevation. The works will be priced by item, allowing for an informed discussion on phasing, if required.

6. Equality considerations

None identified.

7. Legal comments

Listed building consent was granted for a smaller scheme of remedials on 20th February 2023.  Upon approval of this DN, a Non-Material Amendment will be submitted to Warwick District Council to capture the total scope of works, together with a repair glossary for the enhanced scheme.

8. Social or Environmental considerations

The OPCC has a duty of care to protect police staff from harm within its buildings.  The current building is not watertight.

9. Publication

Information in this form is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI Act) and other legislation. Unless the information provided is covered by an exemption, the information contained in the form will be published on the Warwickshire PCC website.

Comments from the Treasurer

Additional budget provision to undertake essential external works to the grade II listed Police Headquarters has been identified and a project budget of up to £1.2m is now included in the 2024/25 capital programme.  Clearly final costs will be determined following the tender process, which should provide assurance that the required works will be completed in the most economic, efficient and effective manner possible.

Comments from the Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer

Completion of this project will ensure the preservation of the listed grade II building and tendering to a competitive market will maximise value for money.  This work is essential to preserve the historic headquarters site, which is now being retained for policing purposes.