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WPCC3-0116 – Re-roofing of Sports Pavilion, Leek Wootton

Decision Reference Number:WPCC3-0116

Lead Officer: Polly Reed, Chief Executive, OPCC

Chief Officer approval: Ben Smith, Assistant Chief Constable

Date: 02/02/2024

Status: Non-confidential

Decision summary:

To approve a re-roofing project at the Sports Pavilion, Leek Wootton.

I confirm that my register of interests declaration is up to date and that none of my interests preclude me from making this decision.

Signature:  Philip Seccombe TD

Date: 01/02/24

Supporting information

1. Background information

The Pavilion building is a stand-alone structure on the Warwickshire Police HQ site in Leek Wootton.  The building houses a gym and changing facilities.  The building is covered by 2 roofs; a pitched tiled roof over the original structure, and a flat roof with 6 rooflights over the newer extension.  The flat roof has failed and has been leaking for some time. It is currently covered with a tarpaulin to keep the gym area as watertight as possible.

To prevent further damage internally, it is recommended that the flat roof is replaced. This will then allow time to determine the long-term strategy for the building, including any future internal refurbishment works to bring the gym and changing facilities up to standard.

The roof has been surveyed by a specialist flat roofing manufacturer.  Sika have inspected the roof and have taken core samples through the roof membrane, insulation and structural deck to ascertain the scope of replacement works required.  The specification currently includes for a complete replacement roof, but it may be possible to retain areas of the existing timber deck, once further core samples can be inspected beneath the tarpaulin.

The 6 existing rooflights are to be retained, on the understanding that a sufficient upstand/kerb detail can be installed to their perimeter.  Removing the rooflights has a knock-on impact to the internal ceilings, which contain asbestos.  The tender is proposed for March 2024. The tendering contractors are to provide a quote to replace the rooflights, if required.  If at tender award, the decision is made to replace the rooflights, due allowance will also be made for the safe removal of any ACMs and replacement ceilings.

Works will include:

  • Flat roof replacement – link corridor and gym roof (circa 150m2).
  • Bituminous felt system with a 25 year roofing guarantee.
  • New pitched roof abutment detail.
  • Existing internal rainwater goods to be retained.
  • Protect and install a new kerb detail to the existing rooflights.
  • New perimeter cappings / edge trims.
  • Plus, if deemed necessary – replacement of 6 no. rooflights.

2. List of additional information attached as appendices

  • Sika specification and guarantee documents:
    • Condition report
    • Guarantee
    • Technical Specification
    • Tender Specification

3. Expected benefits

  • Preservation of the building to prevent further water damage.
  • Improved thermal performance.

4. Impact of not approving the application

  • Further deterioration of the building fabric.
  • Risk to health and safety of building users.

5. Costs (including any identified savings)

  • Project cost to be advised via a competitive tender.
  • The roof replacement was previously identified as a “priority one” project, with an overall budget of £227k for a new roof and upgraded M&E services. The M&E service upgrades are to be captured/costed when the internal space is refurbished in the future.

6. Equality considerations

  • None identified.

7. Legal comments

The successful contractor will be responsible for appointing a Building Control inspector, and will have to ensure that works are carried out in line with legislation.

8. Social or Environmental considerations

The OPCC has a duty of care to protect police staff from harm within its buildings.  The current building is not watertight as such presents a Health and Safety Risk to those who use it.

9. Publication

Information in this form is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI Act) and other legislation.  Unless the information provided is covered by an exemption, the information contained in the form will be published on the Warwickshire PCC website.

Comments from the Treasurer

These works have been earmarked as part of the capital programme.  final costs are awaited, but the works are required to secure the building, make it watertight and ensure the safety of those in and around it.

Comments from the Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer

The works are required as part of the ongoing maintenance of the sports pavilion, and this work is prioritised to support the health and safety of the workforce. Final costings should be notified to the OPCC once understood.