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WPCC4-0025 – Appointment of Temporary Chief Constable

Decision Reference Number: WPCC4-0025

Lead Officer: Polly Reed

Chief Officer approval: N/A

Date: 24/09/2024


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Decision summary:

To appoint DCC Alex Franklin-Smith at temporary Chief Constable, effective 27 September 2024.  Recruitment for the substantive Chief Constable role will commence in the coming months. It is necessary to appoint a new Chief Constable on a temporary basis to the role, pending the outcome of the substantive recruitment process.

I confirm that my register of interests declaration is up to date and that none of my interests preclude me from making this decision.

Signature: P. Seccombe

Date: 30.09.2024

Supporting information

1. Background information: why do we need to make this decision?

Chief Constable Debra Tedds retired on 26 September 2024. Section 38 of the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 requires the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) to appoint a Chief Constable to lead the police force.

Recruitment for the substantive Chief Constable role is expected to commence over the coming months. It is therefore necessary to appoint a new Chief Constable on a temporary basis.

In order to be considered for the role of Chief Constable a person must have held a role as a police officer, and held a rank of at least Assistant Chief Constable or Commander.

Having considered the available options, the PCC will appoint Warwickshire Police’s Deputy Chief Constable Alex Franklin-Smith as Temporary Chief Constable, with full operational command of the police force effective from 27 September 2024. The appointment will be for a period of up to 6 months, subject to the outcome of the planned substantive Chief Constable recruitment. This temporary appointment does not require confirmation by Warwickshire Police and Crime Panel.

2. What additional documents are relied upon? Please provide a link or separate attachments.

Terms and Conditions of appointment

3. What benefits will this bring, including financial, social or environmental benefits?

The Chief Constable has overall responsibility for leading the force, creating a vision and setting direction and culture that builds public and organisational confidence and trust, and enables the delivery of a professional, effective and efficient policing services.

The Chief Constable holds direct accountability for the operational delivery of policing services and the effective command and leadership of the policing response to crime, and major and critical incidents.

The Chief Constable is responsible for influencing the development of regional and national policing and may be accountable for national operations or standard setting.

As a Corporation Sole, the Chief Constable is responsible for fulfilling all statutory and legal obligations of the office of Chief Constable and complying with any Schemes of Governance or Consent that exist, which determine force governance arrangements.

4. What is the impact of not approving the application?

It is a statutory requirement of the PCC to appoint a Chief Constable.

5. How much will it cost? (please provide cost breakdown, including any identified savings, and include where they have been approved)

This role is paid on a national pay point, and the rate is £173,937.

6. Who has been consulted on this proposal?

It is a statutory requirement for the Chief Constable to be appointed, and this decision must be taken by the PCC.

7. Will this decision have an impact on any specific individuals or groups or communities?

Continuity of service and stability of leadership pending substantive Chief Constable recruitment process is crucial to the county of Warwickshire and the residents and communities it serves.

8. Does this decision have legal implications? Has legal advice been sought?

Legal advice was taken by the PCC, and is in accordance with the requirements of the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011.

Comments from the Treasurer

The Chief Constable is a statutory appointment, and the costs are included within the annual revenue budget.

Comments from the Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer

This statutory appointment has been conducted in line with the principles of public service.