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WPCC4-0020 – Police Constable Entry Route (PCER) Contract

Decision Reference Number: WPCC4-0020

Lead Officer: Tania Coppola, Director of Enabling Services

Chief Officer approval: CC 28/8/24

Date: 29/8/24


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Decision summary:

Agreement to the Section 22, governance and call off agreements to formalise the appointment of Staffordshire University as the Higher Education Institution (HEI) partner for a 3-force collaboration with Warwickshire Police, Staffordshire Police and West Mercia Police for the Police Constable Entry Route Contract.

I confirm that my register of interests declaration is up to date and that none of my interests preclude me from making this decision.

Signature: P.Seccombe

Date: 30/08/2024

Supporting information

1. Background information: why do we need to make this decision?

For the past 6 years Warwickshire Police, West Merica Police, Staffordshire Police and previously West Midlands Police have been in a regional collaborative arrangement for the provision of Police degree apprenticeship provided by Staffordshire University.

Following West Midlands exit from the regional agreement in 2023, the remaining partners Warwickshire Police, West Merica Police and Staffordshire Police made a decision to utilise the break clause in the contract with Staffordshire University and gave notice to terminate the contract on 30 June 2024 (subject to teach out arrangements which continue).

In 2023 Bluelight Commercial embarked on establishing a new national framework for the provision of Police Constable Entry Route training. This framework would enable Forces to access a range of verified education providers. This became available in early 2024.

The 3 forces participated in joint procurement process led by Warwickshire Police using the Bluelight Commercial framework resulting in Staffordshire University being awarded a new contract. A new Section 22 collaboration agreement, governance and force call off agreements formalise the details of the new contractual arrangement.  For the purposes of the regional collaboration Staffordshire Police will be the ‘Lead Customer’. The collaboration includes all three Chief Constables and the Police and Crime Commissioners.

2. What additional documents are relied upon? Please provide a link or separate attachments.

A new Section 22 collaboration agreement, governance and force call off agreements formalise the details of the new contractual arrangement.

3. What benefits will this bring, including financial, social or environmental benefits?

The final offer from Staffordshire University provides a number of benefits relative to the current offering particularly in respect of face-to-face teaching delivery and a new cluster arrangement with dedicated lecturers looking after each force.

The submitted pricing represents a significant improvement on the existing commercial offer. The % returning to forces for the PCDA will increase from 20% to 30%. For DHEP we achieved a 40% saving on the current arrangement.

Additional social value KPIs have been included into the new call off Contract.


4. What is the impact of not approving the application?

In Warwickshire Police, Student Officer courses are due to start in September 2024 therefore without the formal contractual arrangement in place, there will be elements of the curriculum, which are provided by the HEI that would not be delivered and therefore would likely result in the force delaying these courses. If this happened this would also result in withdrawal of funding from the Home Office as we would be below our minimum officer establishment as per Police Uplift Programme (PUP) requirements.

5. How much will it cost? (please provide cost breakdown, including any identified savings, and include where they have been approved)

The combined value of the contract is approximately £4.2 million per annum depending on student numbers (+£12 million over the initial 3-year term).

The contract value for Warwickshire Police is £1,619,700 over the 3-year initial term.

The % returning to forces for the PCDA will increase from 20% to 30%. For DHEP we achieved a 40% saving on the current arrangement. There is also potential additional income generation for End Point Assessment.

6. Who has been consulted on this proposal?

Representatives from Learning & Development, HR and commercial teams from each force were consulted and part of the tender process. The decision on this proposal went to Regional Governance Group (RGG) attended by Chief Officers and Police and Crime Commissions from all three forces.

7. Will this decision have an impact on any specific individuals or groups or communities?

Having an arrangement in place which enables members of the communities interested in joining the police through an academic route provides a positive impact to the broader diversity of the workforce.

8. Does this decision have legal implications? Has legal advice been sought?

Legal advice has been sought through each key decision-making stage of the process and on the development of the S22a document and associated contracts.

Comments from the PCC Chief Finance Officer

The costs of training under the two separate routes is outlined fully within this report.  Where possible the training costs will be met through the apprenticeship levy.  All costs will be included within the annual revenue budget and across the medium-term financial plan, which is reviewed as part of the budget setting process each year.

Comments from the Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer

This agreement will deliver Police Apprenticeships to initial trainees in Warwickshire, which will ensure a pipeline of well-trained student officers. The collaboration will offer opportunities to Warwickshire to ensure that up-to-date high-quality training is available for student officers.