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WPCC4-0018 – EV Charging Point Project

Decision Reference Number: WPCC4-0018

Lead Officer: Raja Khan

Chief Officer approval: ACC David Gardner

Date: 17/7/2024

Status: Non-confidential

If partially-confidential or confidential please detail the FOI exemption applied and specify which parts are confidential:

Decision summary:

Installation of Electric Vehicle Chargers across the estate for fleet blue light EV cars

I confirm that my register of interests declaration is up to date and that none of my interests preclude me from making this decision.

Signature:  P.Seccombe

Date: 20/08/2024

Supporting information

1. Background information

As part of the commitment to reduce carbon emissions, the first batch of 5 EV cars for fleet use are due to arrive shortly.  These will be allocated to the safer neighbourhood teams across the force.

Currently the estate does not have any dedicated EV chargers installed.  Offsite public charging would be necessary which would incur increased cost and loss of Officer productivity.

2. List of additional information attached as appendices

Each site has been surveyed and a technical specification prepared for competitive tender.  The project is currently out to tender via the CCS framework.

3. Expected benefits

On site EV charging capability at all freehold sites. This will include:

  • Alcester – 2 chargers
  • Bedworth – 2 chargers
  • Greys Mallory – 2 chargers
  • Leek Wootton – 4 chargers
  • Rugby – 2 chargers
  • Stratford Upon Avon – 2 chargers
  • Back-office software to monitor the vehicle charging patterns, durations and costs along with cardon savings against fossil fuels.
  • Chargers will be standard AC chargers which are cost effective and suitable for the intended use. These chargers are not designated for public or staff use of their own vehicles. They will be activated via the presentation of a valid RFID card or fob which will be allocated to each vehicle.

4. Impact of not approving the application

  • Offsite charging required at public chargers. This will include increased costs but also is subject to the availability of chargers.
  • Public perception with Officers parking up whilst on shift to charge the vehicles.
  • Loss of Officer productivity during charging.
  • Inability to use the vehicle if not adequately charged. With on-site charging these vehicles will charge out of hours predominately ready for the next shift.

5. Costs (including any identified savings)

The project is currently out to tender via the CCS framework.  This framework has a significant number of suppliers who may choose to submit a bid based on the technical specification.

The current budget for this project earmarked within the 5-year plan is £59,500 for the installation of 14 chargers across the various Police freehold sites.  Exact costs for the works will be presented via a tender recommendation report following receipt of the tender returns due on the 26th July 2024.

This decision notice seeks formal approval for budget provision for the EV project, by utilising £59,267 of unallocated funding as per decision notice WPCC4-0013, which is made up of £45,000 of slippage from the estate wide fire door project that is no longer required, in addition to a further £14,000 from repurposed boiler project works at Leek Wootton and Rugby police station.  Further details are available in the Money Matters Q1 report presented to Governance Board on the 6th August 2024.

In summary, the 2024/25 total capital budget is £4,402,000, and the approval of this decision notice will mean that a total of £4,402,000, has now been allocated to projects for this financial year.

6. Equality considerations

None identified.

7. Legal comments

None identified

8. Social or Environmental considerations

Carbon Reduction Target is to be achieved.  This is in part via the transition from fossil fuel vehicles to electric vehicles within the fleet.  Currently this is a low demand use for Safer Neighbourhood Vehicles only with flexibility to grow the arrays as demand requires.

9. Publication

Information in this form is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI Act) and other legislation.  Unless the information provided is covered by an exemption and stated to be either confidential or partly confidential, the information contained in the form will be published on the OPCC website.

Comments from the Treasurer

The electric charging points project budget requirement is £59,500.  This will be financed, from existing unallocated capital budget of £59.267, that has arisen predominantly from 2023/24 slippage not now required for the estates wide fire door replacement works.  The remainder will be met from a further £14,000 of budget previously identified for boiler works at Leek Wootton and Rugby police station in the 2024/25 capital budget, that is now not required for either of those projects.  Final costs will be determined following the receipt and evaluation of tenders, however, this decision notice if approved effectively allocates all of the £4,402,000 capital budget to estates projects in 2024/25.

Comments from the Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer

This project is supported on the basis of enabling the effective commencement of the electrification of the fleet, reducing the carbon footprint of operations and working towards decarbonisation targets.