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WPCC4-0014 – Adult drugs case management joint commissioning

Decision Reference Number: WPCC4-014

Lead Officer: Sara Ansell

Chief Officer approval: N/A

Date: 17th July 2024

Status: Non-confidential

Decision summary:

To seek approval for the joint commissioning of adult drugs criminal justice case management services, with Warwickshire County Council (WCC) from May 2025 onwards.

I confirm that my register of interests declaration is up to date and that none of my interests preclude me from making this decision.

Signature: P.Reed

Date: 25/07/2024

Supporting information

1. Background Information

A new adult drugs referral and assessment service was commissioned by the PCC from April 2024 onwards.  Cranstoun were awarded the contract and performance monitoring processes are in place to ensure that the contract achieves positive outcomes.  Whilst the early performance data suggests that this contract is performing as expected, it has become evident that there is no current provision (or statutory responsibility) for the provision of adult drugs and alcohol recovery support for those who are in contact with the criminal justice system having been sentenced to an Alcohol Treatment Requirement (ATR) or Drug Rehabilitation Requirement (DRR), or where there is an Integrated Offender Management (IOM) nominal who is not already in receipt of such services.  As a result the PCC has approved funding for such services, in addition to the structured interventions and psycho-social treatment associated with it, for one year only, which will be in place until May 2025.   This was to allow time for discussions to take place with Warwickshire County Council (WCC) who are in the early stages of recommissioning their Drug and Alcohol Substance Misuse Service.

An in principle agreement has now been reached with WCC, that the treatment element of the service should fall within their generic misuse contract at their cost, and that the case management element of the service, should be included within the same contract specification and tender documentation, but will require funding to be made available by the OPCC.  The agreed annual contribution is £17,355, to fund the salary costs of a part time case manager post.

This decision notice seeks approval for this approach and an annual contribution as outlined above.  If approved, OPCC staff will continue to engage with WCC in the commissioning process over the coming months, through to contract award later in the year and in ongoing contract monitoring.

2. List of additional information attached as appendices


3. Expected benefits

The joint commissioning of this element of the service will help to ensure that the service will be delivered effectively and efficiently, and that service users will continue to benefit from the service with the intention of reducing reoffending. This is in line with Police and Crime Plan priorities.

4. Impact of not approving the application

If the PCC does not provide this funding, this element of the service may not be provided and the issuing of ATR’s and DRR’s may not be a realistic option for the courts/probation service, as they would not be effectively case managed.  This could mean that individuals do not receive the support they need and the desired reduction in reoffending rates may not be achieved.

5. Costs (including any identified savings)

An annual contribution of £17,355 has been agreed with WCC from the OPCC for the life of the contract.  This represents 50% of the current salary costs of a full time worker, who will be dedicated to managing the caseload of those within the criminal justice system, in order to support service users and reduce reoffending.  The costs are not currently budgeted for and will need to be built into the 2025/26 annual budget and the Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP). This does however represent a reduction in cost against the 2024/25 direct award value of over £20,000.

6. Equality considerations

None specifically identified.  The service is open to anyone.

7. Legal comments

The OPCC will engage with WCC over the coming months, as the specification is developed and the commissioning process continues.  OPCC legal advice will be sought at various stages throughout the process, when required.

8. Social or Environmental considerations

Drugs use is prevalent in society, based on 2021 National Crime Survey of England and Wales data.  This element of service delivery should ensure that individuals sentenced to an ATR or DRR are appropriately case managed, that there is appropriate engagement with other stakeholder partners and that individuals are appropriately supported to reduce reoffending.

9. Publication

Information in this form is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI Act) and other legislation.  Unless the information provided is covered by an exemption and stated to be either confidential or partly confidential, the information contained in the form will be published on the OPCC website.

Comments from the Treasurer

A modest annual contribution towards the service delivery costs has been agreed in principle.  This joint commissioning approach will secure the delivery of this service into the future, and the much-needed case management of those caught up in the criminal justice system, along with appropriate engagement with a variety of key stakeholders.  A budget for these costs will need to be identified in the 2025/26 annual budget, and across the MTFP.  The joint commissioning approach should ensure that best value is secured, other standalone commissioning options have been considered, but these will result in higher costs, and a less joined up service.  The option to jointly commission this service is considered to be the most efficient and effective option.

Comments from the Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer

Reducing re-offending and providing individuals with the structured treatment that is required is an essential element of the Police and Crime Plan and reinforces the importance of effective partnership relationships with Warwickshire County Council in addressing substance misuse and offending in Warwickshire, as well as demonstrating value for money.