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WPCC4-0012 – Leek Wootton Temporary Car Parking

Decision Reference Number: WPCC4-0012

Lead Officer: Nathan Moore – Head of Business Operations

Chief Officer approval: ACC David Gardner

Date: 26/06/24

Status: Partially-confidential

Commercial information in the appendix to be redacted prior to publication as Exempt from disclosure under S.43 (commercial interests) of the FOIA.

Decision summary:

Creation of a temporary carpark for 60 cars at the Leek Wootton Headquarters site, subject to confirmation on planning permission requirement.  Carpark to be formed on the playing field, opposite the tennis courts, utilising the existing access gate.

I confirm that my register of interests declaration is up to date and that none of my interests preclude me from making this decision.

Signature: P.Seccombe

Date: 09.07.2024

Supporting information

1. Background information

This Decision Notice is for the formation of a temporary carpark at the Leek Wootton Headquarters site.

Car parking capacity at the Warwickshire Police Leek Wootton site is a significant challenge, and a project is underway to design and construct larger, permanent, parking facilities.  The Leek Wootton External Transformation project is targeting the construction of new carparking areas across the site by Autumn 2025.

A temporary carparking solution is required for the next year, until the first phase of the permanent carparking solution has been constructed.

The need for temporary additional carparking has been exacerbated by the imminent displacement of carparking on the old tennis courts, which have been sold to a housing developer.

The Estates Team have been advised that planning permission is not required for a temporary carpark, however this needs to be verified before works commence.

The optimal location for a temporary carpark is on the main field, opposite the tennis courts on Woodcote Drive.  This location has the following advantages:

  • The carpark can be accessed directly off the main driveway (there is an existing gateway and access route to use).
  • Excess traffic is kept away from the main site.
  • The ground is relatively level and easy to construct a temporary surface upon.
  • There are no trees or vegetation to disturb.
  • A temporary carpark has been built in this location before.
  • All options have been explored for the siting of a temporary car park. The feasibility assessment strongly indicated that the area / site highlighted, is by far the most favourable for the requirements of the short-term parking solution that can be met within costs, schedule, and the constraints of the grounds.
  • The location is an area identified for parking in the permanent External Transformation design proposal. The land will therefore need to be disturbed in the future.  The location, away from the main site, will also help with the phased delivery/construction of the permanent parking scheme.

2. List of additional information attached as appendices

3. Expected benefits

  • Increased carparking capacity at the Leek Wootton site in the short term.
  • Space available for when the existing tennis court parking area is taken out of use in the near future.
  • Staff welfare – a number of staff are unable to park at the Leek Wootton site and have to work from home.
  • Improved relations with the Leek Wootton village community – reduced staff parking in the village.

4. Impact of not approving the application

  • Compounded carparking concerns at Leek Wootton, especially once the tennis courts are no longer available for staff parking.

5. Costs (including any identified savings)

  • Refer to appended document: Leek Wootton Temporary Carpark Option Study – dated June 2024
  • Four design options have been presented for review.
  • Recommend option 2 for implementation
  • Budget Cost: £39,576 + VAT
  • This is contained within the existing estates budget for the external transformation project at Leek Wootton.
  • This is a revenue cost due to being a temporary nature.
  • The proposal will be subject to a tender process with support from Contracts and Procurement.

6. Equality considerations

The availability of sufficient carparking should ensure access for all.

7. Legal comments

Confirmation of whether planning permission is required is to be sought from the local planning authority prior to the commencement of the project.

If planning is required a full application will be made for the provision of temporary parking in this location.

8. Social or Environmental considerations

The OPCC has a duty of care to provide safe facilities for police staff and visitors.

9. Publication

This decision notice will be published in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Comments from the Treasurer

The costs of these works can be met in 2024/25 from within the existing Leek Wootton transformation works budget, which includes the provision of car parking.  The works should be delivered following an open market procurement exercise to ensure value for money.

Comments from the Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer

Temporary car parking is required at Leek Wootton while future plans for the site are being developed. A further decision making process will be required if the project requires planning permission.