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WPCC4-0002 – MSOIC Programme S22 Agreement

Decision Reference Number: WPCC4-0002Enter number.

Lead Officer: Polly Reed

Chief Officer approval: Chief Constable

Date: 21/05/24

Status: Partially-confidential

If partially-confidential or confidential please detail the FOI exemption applied and specify which parts are confidential:

Attachments are exempt from disclosure under S.31 of the FOIA as relating to law enforcement 

Decision summary:

Signature required for the National collaboration agreement regarding the revised Modern Slavery and Organised Immigration Crime Programme 2023-24.

I confirm that my register of interests declaration is up to date and that none of my interests preclude me from making this decision.

Signature:  P.Seccombe

Date: 24/05/24

Supporting information

1.    Background information

The Modern Slavery and Organised Immigration Crime Programme is a national project funded by grants from the Home Office which are awarded to the PCC for Devon and Cornwall. The aim of the Programme is to embed an improved policing and wider law enforcement response to modern slavery and organised immigration crime.   

The Home Office grants covering the period of 01 Apr 2023-31 March 2024 have been allocated to the Programme, and this collaboration agreement is effective for the same duration.  The agreement has been drafted using the national APACCE S22a template, and for the most part, it remains unchanged from the 2022-23 agreement that was signed by all parties.

The s.22 Agreement was subject to a review and as a result of changes to the governance of the NPoCC and the expanded role of the NPoCC, a new s.22 Agreement was drawn up. In October 2023 the draft new s.22 Agreement was circulated to Chief Constables and PCC for review and feedback.  Following the responses received to the consultation draft Clause 1 of the agreement has been amended to include references to all previous agreements. A clause has been added in as 21.3 to reference the 2022-23 period. In addition, Clause 10.13 has been amended to specify that the Lead Policing Body will only be reimbursed for activities as defined in the agreement.

2. List of additional information attached as appendices

Copy of the revised 2023-24 S22 Agreement.

3. Expected benefits

The s.22 Agreement more accurately reflects key changes to the governance structure of the Programme. The new governance structure has a streamlined Strategic Assurance Board with an expanded Programme Board to ensure appropriate scrutiny from policing bodies, the Home Office Modern Slavery Unit, Home Office Organised Immigration Crime unit and other partners.

4. Impact of not approving the application

The parties would be operating under an out-of-date collaboration agreement.

5. Costs (including any identified savings)

The total amount of the Budget for the Modern Slavery and Organised Immigration Crime Programme for 2023/24 is £3,906,859. Warwickshire’s financial contributions to the NPoCC are at the apportionment ratio of 0.83%. The apportionment ratios remain fixed during the term of the Agreement, however, the monetary sums payable will be calculated by reference to the budget that is agreed by the Policing Bodies.  Furthermore, each third year following the commencement of the s.22 Agreement, the Oversight Board will recommend a three-year budget plan to the Policing Bodies for their approval. Consequently, the PCC should have early sight of anticipated annual financial contributions, to enable adequate budgetary provision to be made for the costs each year.

6. Equality considerations

None identified.

7. Legal comments

The OPCC has obtained legal advice on the terms and conditions of the new s.22 Agreement.

8. Social or Environmental considerations

None identified.

9. Publication

Information in this form is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI Act) and other legislation.  Unless the information provided is covered by an exemption and stated to be either confidential or partly confidential, the information contained in the form will be published on the OPCC website.

Comments from the Treasurer

The costs of this new arrangement are included in this decision notice.  Future year costs should be received in good time, to enable adequate provision to be made within the annual budget and Medium-Term Financial Plan.

Comments from the Chief Executive and Monitoring Office

This collaboration supports the governance and coordination of arrangements for deploying police officers nationally.  As Warwickshire both uses and supports the arrangements it is appropriate to sign the agreement.