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WPCC4-0​001​ – Myton ABE Suite Lease Agreement

Decision Reference Number: WPCC4-0001 

Lead Officer: Calum Walmsley 

Chief Officer approval: Assistant Chief Constable Ben Smith – 15/05/2024   

Date: 23/05/2024 

Status: Partially-confidential​

If partially-confidential or confidential please detail the FOI exemption applied and specify which parts are confidential: : Attachments exempt from disclosure under S.43 (commercial interests) of the FOIA 

Decision summary:

To enter into a 5 year lease (with 3 year break clause) for the office located at Myton, with an annual cost of £3700 per annum.

I confirm that my register of interests declaration is up to date and that none of my interests preclude me from making this decision.

Signature:  P.Seccombe

Date: 24/05/24

Supporting information

1. Background information

The interview suite at is a small facility located within the Children’s Services Building owned by Warwickshire County Council in Myton, with two rooms for the recording of evidence, a kitchen, bathroom facilities and storage.

The suite has historically been occupied by the Force with no formal lease or tenancy in place. It has been confirmed that no costs have been expended on the premises in the last financial year.

The requirement to formalise this agreement has been bought to the forefront as landlords’ permission has been sought for an upgrade to the IT infrastructure and installation of new interview equipment within the offices. This work is required to continue to meet Achieving Best Evidence (ABE) requirements.

The Programme Manager for the installation of the IT equipment has confirmed that the IT project has a value of £10,050 to the Force, (Including 1st year of software licencing) and the success of this project is dependent on the lease being agreed. The project is now overdue and was planned to be completed by the end of March 2024.

Warwickshire County Council would like to now formalise the agreement for occupation and had proposed a lease with a rent of £10,000 per annum.

Consultation has taken place with the Force as to their immediate requirements for the facility.

Detective Superintendent Pete Hill has confirmed that the facility is operationally required, as the location of the premises at Myton meets the National guidance for ABE suites.

“interviews at police stations should be avoided if at all possible because of the additional trauma it could cause to victims, there is also a risk (albeit slight) the victim could come into contact with the perpetrator at the police station. We do need to have alternative options to the use of police stations, the north of the county can use the SARC at Nuneaton but there would be nothing in the south if we were to give up Myton.”

ACC Ben Smith has been consulted and confirms this site as an essential requirement in managing the collection of evidence with vulnerable victims of crime, however, there are no figures for the occupation and use of the facility currently.

“usage of the location may not be a good measure for requirement with this type of facility as it may only get used a handful of times, but remains an absolute necessity for some of our most vulnerable victims.”

ACC Ben Smith is in agreement to proceed with the lease.

Anecdotally, the Strategic Estates and Asset Manager has been informed that the site is used on average twice a month for the purpose of obtaining evidence, however there is no data to support this currently.

Consultation has also taken place with the Head of Business Operations, as budget holder within the Force, who has confirmed acceptance of the costs and provided the budget cost code references.

2. List of additional information

  • Draft Heads of Terms
  • Email correspondence from ACC Ben Smith

3. Expected benefits

Continuation of the availability of a non-police station facility for the purpose of obtaining evidence.

The ability to agree a lease will enable the installation of essential ABE ICT upgrades.

The agreement of a 5-year lease with a 3-year break clause allows the OPCC time to define the longer term strategy for the provision of the estates including the collection of premises occupation data.

4. Impact of not approving the application

Alternative accommodation for the ABE suite will need to be sourced within the south of the County that is compliant with the National Guidance. There is currently nothing within the asset holding of the OPCC that would be suitable.

The risk would be that suitable premises could not be located within the operating area required at a cost that is comparable to what is being offered by WCC.

The IT project for the installation of the new infrastructure would be delayed further.

5. Costs (including any identified savings)

Lease costs of £3700 per annum, with no annual increase allowance.

Following intervention from DS Pete Hill with the Assistant Director of Children’s Services, the lease costs have been proposed to be reduced to £3700 per annum. This is inclusive of service charges, utilities and business rates for the premises.

In reviewing the proposed rent charge, a check of business rates for the premises has been undertaken which confirms that this is between £2795.89 and £3300 per annum. The remainder of the rent charge is towards the utility usage and communal facilities management such as grounds maintenance. This therefore represents good value for money and is reflective of the costs of running this facility.

6. Equality considerations

The premises is located on the ground floor of an existing building with adequate car parking and level access. The facility has a bathroom facility for users. There is also a kitchen area for the preparation of food and drinks.

7. Legal comments

Full legal advice will be sought as to the negotiation of the contract. Heads of Terms have been reviewed by the Strategic Estates and Asset Manager.

8. Social or Environmental considerations


9. Publication

Information in this form is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI Act) and other legislation.  Unless the information provided is covered by an exemption, the information contained in the form will be published on the Warwickshire PCC website.

Comments from the Treasurer

The costs can be accommodated within the annual budget and will be included in the Medium Term Financial Plan.  The re-negotiated costs, should provide some assurance that the new arrangements deliver value for money.

Comments from the Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer

Costs have been negotiated, which makes this arrangement more commercially appropriate, given the limited usage. Nevertheless, it is a very important resource for victims of crime, and this arrangement will allow for the service to stabilise and meet the standards required in gathering evidence.