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WPCC3-0073 – Contract Award – Victim Services

Decision Title: Contract Award – Victim Services

Decision Reference Number: WPCC3-0073

Lead Officer: Sara Ansell

If force business, date approved by Chief Officer: n/a

Date: 5th December 2022

Status:  Partly-confidential

Decision summary:

Following the completion of an open tender process, support is given to the award of the contract for the commissioning of various victim services across 5 separate lots as outlined below:

Lot 1 – General victim support services – Victim Support

Lot 2 – Specialist services for victims of sexual abuse and violence – Safeline

Lot 3 – Specialist services for child sexual exploitation – Barnardo’s

Lot 4 – Modern Slavery and human trafficking services – West Midlands Anti-slavery network

Lot 5 – Restorative Justice services – Victim Support

I confirm that my register of interests declaration is up to date and that none of my interests preclude me from making this decision.

Signature:  Philip Seccombe

Date: 07/12/2022

Supporting information

1. Background information

Decision notice WPCC3-0069 approved the commencement of the procurement stage of the commissioning process for a number of victim services across 5 lots.  That decision notice contains all the relevant details regarding the history and stages of the commissioning process. For this reason, they are not replicated again here, and decision notice WPCC3-0069 should be read in conjunction with this decision notice, as it provides key background information.

The procurement exercise was conducted in accordance with Regulations 74 to 77 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 and the information contained in the Invitation to Tender and associated documents. The tender documents were agreed and then published in mid September, and the table below indicates the key activities and timeline regarding the procurement process for the 5 lots of victims services being commissioned by the OPCC, up to the point of contract award.

Activity  Key Milestones 
Tender Documents agreed 12th September 2022
Document set published on EU Supply 14th September 2022
Deadline for clarification questions 21st October 2022
Deadline for submissions 25th October 2022
Evaluation and clarification period 26th Oct – 23rd Nov 2022
Bidder Presentations 21st & 22nd Nov 2022
Moderation sessions 23rd – 30th Nov 2022
Agreement on award decision 5th December 2022
Date of submission of Evaluation report 7th December 2022

The procurement process has been overseen by procurement experts in the force and a full project evaluation report has been prepared.

The Commissioner has been fully briefed on the outcome of the procurement process, and this decision notice seeks formal approval from him to move to contract award.

The recommended awards are:

Lot 1 – General victim support services – Victim Support

Lot 2 – Specialist services for victims of sexual abuse and violence – Safeline

Lot 3 – Specialist services for child sexual exploitation – Barnardos

Lot 4 – Modern Slavery and human trafficking services – West Midlands Anti-slavery network.

Lot 5 – Restorative Justice services – Victim Support.

2. List of additional information attached as appendices

Evaluation report – confidential

3. Expected benefits

The provision of properly selected and contracted victim services through an open transparent and competitive process, that demonstrates value for money.  Contracts will be performance managed to ensure they deliver the desired outcomes.

The provision of specialist services in a number of areas, based on recommendations from the independent needs assessment will ensure that victims receive effective support to meet their needs.

4. Impact of not approving the application

The Police and Crime Commissioner holds the statutory function for commissioning services to support victims of crime across Warwickshire, this sits within the policy and legislative framework of the Code of Practice for Victims of Crime (2015) and the EU Victims’ Directive 2010/29EU.If this decision notice is not approved, it risks the fulfilment of this statutory obligation.

In addition, if not approved, the lack of properly selected and contracted victim support services will have consequential impacts on victims, who may not receive the support they need to help them cope and recover.

5. Costs (including any identified savings)

All bids are within the budgeted sums available for the contract duration and full details are contained within the confidential evaluation report.

6. Equality implications

There are no identified equality implications.

7. Police & Crime Plan Area

This decision notice relates to priority 5 in the Police and crime Plan – Deliver better justice for all by providing support services for victims.

8. Environmental Impact

There are no specific environmental impacts arising from this report.

9. Legal comments

Procurement legislation has been followed, and the provision of these victims services will fulfil one of the statutory functions of the PCC.

10. Publication

Information in this form is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI Act) and other legislation.  Unless the information provided is covered by an exemption and stated to be either confidential or partly confidential, the information contained in the form will be published on the OPCC website.

Comments from the Treasurer

Due process has been adopted for the procurement of these services.  They have been evaluated against the criteria by a multi-agency team.  All contract awards will be delivered within the annual budget available.  They will be funded in part from Ministry of Justice grant and local PCC funding.  Full details on the costings and budgets are available within the supporting evaluation report (confidential).

Comments from the Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer

Procurement of commissioned services has been completed in a thorough manner with extensive support from legal and procurement specialists. The services commission meet both statutory requirements and the priorities set out in the Police and Crime Plan.