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WPCC3-0062 – Additional MOJ Funding 2022/23 

Decision Title: To approve the receipt of additional monies from the Ministry of Justice in 2022/23 and across the medium term.

Decision Reference Number: WPCC3-0062

Lead Officer: Sara Ansell, Treasurer

If force business, date approved by Chief Officer: N/A

Date: 1st July 2022

Status:  Non confidential

Decision summary:

To approve the allocation of funding received from the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) following the submission of a needs assessment for improving domestic abuse and sexual violence victim services in Warwickshire.  The PCC has been awarded £418,520.60 following the needs assessment process.  The award is for 2022/23, 2023/24 and 2024/25.  The 2022/23 award will be allocated to partners on a grants basis.

In addition the PCC is asked to approve, the recently notified MOJ funding award made to the PCC for an ‘additional’ of £38,793 for Independent Sexual Violence Advisors/Independent Domestic Violence Advisors (ISVA/IDVA).  This funding is also awarded for 2023/24 and 2024/25 when it will rise to £55,759 per annum.  This represents welcome extra funding for these areas of service and is additional to the already confirmed second year funding allocations for ISVA and IDVA allocations for Warwickshire PCC in 2022/23 that was notified previously as £365,041, and was included in decision notice WPCC3-0015.  The £365,041 funding was due to cease in 2022/23, but the MOJ have recently confirmed that this too will be extended and payable in 2023/24 and 2024/25.  The total ISVA/IDVA funding allocations for 2022/23 of £38,793 and £365,041 will be allocated to partners, in line with the agreed funding models submitted to the MOJ.

The PCC is asked to formally approve the receipt and spending of this money which is outside of the 2022/23 agreed budget.

I confirm that my register of interests declaration is up to date and that none of my interests preclude me from making this decision.

Signature:  Philip Seccombe

Date: 07/07/2022

Supporting information

1. Background information

For 2022/23, the MOJ has confirmed that nationally PCCs will receive £69.1m of ‘core’ funding, £27m ringfenced funding to recruit and retain 700 Independent Sexual Violence Advisors and Independent Domestic Violence Advisors (ISVAs/IDVAs) and £15.7m ringfenced funding for domestic abuse (DA) and sexual violence (SV) support services. They have also confirmed that this funding will be delivered over a multi-year basis until the end of 2024/25, and that PCCs will be required to pass the multi-year commitment onto the local services they commission, to ensure frontline service providers receive the full benefits.

The OPCC submitted a needs assessment document, following extensive work with partners and has been awarded £418,520.60 of additional funding.  This funding is in the process of being allocated to partners, to deliver work and projects to support services and reduce need for victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence.

The PCC will be required to comply with the MOJ grant conditions and will passport this criteria to partners in the terms and conditions for their grant allocation.  The performance of the projects and outcome form the spending will be monitored throughout the year and reported in line with MOJ grant requirements.

The additional IDVA/ISVA funding of £38,793 in 2022/23 has been allocated following a change in approach by the MOJ moving from a desire to fund the recruitment of 100 ISVA and IDVA posts nationally to 200.  Based on the needs assessment information submitted by the PCC, extra funding has been awarded to the PCC to fund an additional 1.6 FTE children and young person ISVA’s.

The allocations received from the MOJ following the needs assessment submission are:

Area of funding 2022/23 funding 2023/24 funding commitment 2024/25 funding commitment Total additional award 2022/23 to 2024/25
ISVA  funding 288,581 295,421 288,581 865,743
IDVA funding 76,460 76,460 76,460 229,380
Additional CYP ISVA funding 38,793 56,759 56,759 152,311
DA/SV victim support 418,520 418,520 418,520 1,255,560
TOTAL 822,354 847,160 847,160 2,502,994

This additional funding would have not been forthcoming without a detailed needs assessment being submitted by the office, and the additional monies will help address this need over the medium term.  The grant received from the MOJ will be allocated to partner organisations once all due diligence checks have been completed and terms and conditions surrounding the allocations agreed.  Regular engagement and performance monitoring of work undertaken by recipients will occur during the course of the year, and the PCC will comply with the conditions set out in the grant agreement with the MOJ.

2. List of additional information attached as appendices


3. Expected benefits

The purpose of awarding this additional funding to our partners will help to sustain and increase the number of advisors and the level of support they can be provided to victims of sexual violence and domestic abuse.

4. Impact of not approving the application

Not pursuing and achieving the PCC’s goal of improving services for victims, particularly those as a result of sexual violence and domestic abuse

5. Costs (including any identified savings)

The total amount of funding receivable is detailed within this decision notice.  This decision notice seeks approval from the Commissioner for the receipt and spending of this grant award from the MOJ as it is not included within the 2022/23 budget.  The confirmed funding for future years will be built into future annual budgets and the medium term financial plan.

All the grant received from the MOJ will be passported directly to partners to increase the number of ISVA/CHISVA and IDVA/CHIDVA’s in Warwickshire.  The PCC must comply with the agreed grant conditions from the MOJ.

6. Equality implications

All relevant policies apply to all aspects of the budget and spending.

7. Legal comments

The funding received by the OPCC must be used in accordance with the MOJ grant conditions and for the project and work specified in the expression of interest.  Partner organisations must agree to the terms and conditions prior to receiving payment.

8. Publication

Information in this form is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI Act) and other legislation.  Unless the information provided is covered by an exemption and stated to be either confidential or partly confidential, the information contained in the form will be published on the OPCC website.

Comments from the Treasurer

All spending will be financed from the additional funding receivable from the MOJ.  All governance and due diligence checks will be undertaken with the grant recipients, who must comply with the grant conditions and terms and conditions outlined.  Monitoring of the recipients performance will be undertaken during the course of the year and data will also be submitted to the MOJ in accordance with their requirements.  Future year funding will be incorporated into the relevant years annual budget and in the medium term financial plan.

The successful needs assessment submission by the office has resulted in attracting over £2.5m of additional funding over the medium term to provide and improve services for the victims of sexual violence and domestic abuse.  This money is much needed, would not have been forthcoming without the submission and will assist in meeting the priorities laid out in the Police and Crime Plan.

Comments from the Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer

This funding is welcome in Warwickshire and will enable providers to reach more people in need of support.