Decision summary:
The Joint Corporate Governance Framework including the financial regulations and schemes of delegation was last updated in March 2021 as part of the annual review process. These documents apply to the Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner and Warwickshire Police. The documents have been updated and reviewed by the Joint Audit and Standards Committee to reflect current requirements and once approved will apply from the 1st April 2022
I confirm that my register of interests declaration is up to date and that none of my interests preclude me from making this decision.
Signature: Philip Seccombe
Date: 7.04.22
Supporting information
1. Background information
The Joint Corporate Governance Framework, which includes the Financial Regulations and Contract Procedure rules was last reviewed in March 2021. The framework documents apply to both separate legal entities – the Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner and the Chief Constable. The documents are comprehensively reviewed on an annual basis and in the intervening period if there any are significant changes to reflect. This may be necessary for example during 2022/23 if a Deputy PCC is appointed and the governance and delegations from the PCC need to reflect this appointment. This will be kept under review, along with any other changes during the year.
The document includes the statutory framework and local policies, outlines how core principles are to be implemented, sets the parameters within which the organisations will operate, and outlines the separate policies and procedures for the PCC and the force and protocols for effective joint working where appropriate.
The Corporate Governance Framework document also includes the Financial and Contract procedure rules. These are designed to ensure the proper accountability of public funds and to ensure that the best value for money is achieved in acquiring all goods and services. The Scheme of delegation for the PCC and for the force is a further supporting document which details the names, areas of business and values attributed to specific individuals, along with any other sub-delegations to ensure that services operate effectively, although it is not produced with this document, due to the personal nature of some of the information.
As part of the annual review process and to ensure the document is up to date and reflects good governance across both organisations the Framework has been reviewed by a group of key stakeholders, including but not limited to the Treasurer, Director of Finance, legal services staff, the Chief Executive of the OPCC, the Deputy Chief Constable, head of Analysis and service Improvement and the Head of Procurement and Contracts.
The review has resulted in a number of changes, these include revisions to the procurement limits, various spelling and grammatical corrections, and changes around the arrangements for dealing with complaints reviews at the OPCC and delegations in relation to a Deputy PCC if, the position is recruited to.
2. List of additional information attached as appendices
- Joint Corporate Governance Framework
- Joint Financial Regulations
- Schemes of Delegation – Warwickshire Police (confidential on the basis of including personal information)
- Scheme of Delegation – Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (confidential on the basis of including personal information)
3. Expected benefits
The review of this framework and all the associated documents will ensure that Warwickshire OPCC and Chief Constable continue to have up to date and good governance arrangements in place to ensure that services can be delivered effectively, efficiently and provide value for money for Warwickshire communities.
4. Impact of not approving the application
The current corporate governance framework will become out of date, unfit for purpose and will eventually potentially be operationally impacting. It is essential that appropriate arrangements for good governance are in place in Warwickshire in 2022/23.
5. Costs (including any identified savings)
There are no direct financial implications arising from this decision. However, the revised framework will ensure that effective procedures are in place for spending public funds in Warwickshire and should ensure that value for money is achieved form that spending.
6. Equality implications
All relevant policies apply
7. Legal comments
The review of these governance arrangements will ensure that the Chief Constable and Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner will continue to operate within the legal frameworks that are applicable.
8. Publication
Information in this form is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI Act) and other legislation. Unless the information provided is covered by an exemption and stated to be either confidential or partly confidential, the information contained in the form will be published on the OPCC website.
Comments from the Treasurer
The Joint Corporate Governance Framework has been comprehensively reviewed by a number of key internal stakeholders. It has also been reviewed by the Independent Joint Audit and standards Committee. The document is up to date and reflect current requirements and sets the governance arrangements that staff must operate within for the forthcoming financial year from April 2022.
Comments from the Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer
These documents are an essential part of the governance arrangements for PCC and Warwickshire Police and set out how they will operate and interact with each other. They are reviewed annually to ensure they reflect requirements correctly.