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WPCC30021 – 2021/2022 additional allocations of Critical Support Funding from the Ministry of Justice

Decision Title:  2021/2022 additional allocations of Critical Support Funding from the Ministry of Justice

Decision Reference: WPCC30021

Lead Officer: Sara Ansell

Date: 8th October, 2021

Status:  Non-Confidential

Decision Summary:

To approve the allocation of funding received from the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) following the launch of a new funding stream for 2021/22 known as Critical Support Funding.  The award has been made following a competitive application process and the OPCC has been allocated £0.203m to cover the period up to the 31st March 2022. #

I confirm that I do not have any disclosable pecuniary interests in this decision and that the decision in compliance with the Code of Conduct.  Any interests are indicated below.

Signature: Philip Seccombe

Date:   26th October 2021

Supporting Information

1. Background Information

Following the announcement of a funding round for additional Critical Support funding, by the Ministry of Justice (MOJ), the OPCC worked with their partners to submit bids to seek funding to increase the capacity to deal with domestic abuse and sexual violence victims in Warwickshire.

2. Detail of additional information

On the 3rd June 2021 The MoJ announced the availability of the Critical Support Fund. £1.5m was made available for community based sexual violence and domestic abuse support to meet exceptional or additional need that cannot be met through existing allocations and £1.3m was made available for Independent Domestic Violence Advisors (IDVA’s) and Independent Sexual Violence Advisors (ISVA’s). The fund was only available to PCC’s to bid to. The conditions of the fund are set out in the document ‘Ministry of Justice Funding for Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Support Services’ (version Feb 2021) and the funding will cover the period up until 31st March 2022.

The Warwickshire PCC made a bid to this fund having made relevant Warwickshire charities and support organisations aware of the opportunity. The OPCC worked with these charities to develop their bids. The Warwickshire bid targeted both community based services and ISVA services and six Warwickshire organisations were represented. The bid was not approved in its entirety, but the bids with four partner organisations were successful.

The total allocations awarded to Warwickshire PCC under the Critical Support Funding programme for 2021/22 are £203,198.

The grant received from the MOJ will be allocated to the four partner organisations once all due diligence checks have been completed and terms and conditions surrounding the allocations agreed.  Regular engagement and performance monitoring of work undertaken by recipients will occur during the course of the year, and the PCC will comply with the conditions set out in the grant agreement with the MOJ.

3. Expected Benefits

The purpose of awarding this additional funding to our partners will help to sustain and increase the level of support they can provide to victims of sexual violence and domestic abuse.

4. Impact of not approving the application

Not pursuing and achieving the PCC’s goal of improving services for victims, particularly those as a result of sexual violence and domestic abuse.

5. Costs (including any identified savings)

All the grant received from the MOJ will be passported directly to partners to increase the support to victims in line with the projects and spending plans outlined in the expression of interest process and which have been approved by the MOJ.  The PCC must comply with the agreed grant conditions from the MOJ, as must grant recipients.  The total amount of funding receivable is detailed within this decision notice.

6. Equality Implications

None apparent

7. Legal Implications

The funding received by the OPCC must be used in accordance with the MOJ grant conditions and for the project and work specified in the expression of interest.  Partner organisations must agree to the terms and conditions prior to receiving payment.

8. Publication

Information in this form is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI Act) and other legislation.  Unless the information provided is covered by an exemption, the information contained in the form will be published on the Warwickshire PCC website.

Comments from the Treasurer

All costs will be financed from the additional funding receivable from the Ministry of Justice.  All governance and due diligence checks will be undertaken with the grant recipients, who must comply with the grant conditions and terms and conditions outlined as part of the grant.  Monitoring of the recipients performance will be undertaken during the course of the year and data will also be submitted to the MOJ in accordance with their requirements.

Comments from the Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer

This funding is welcome in Warwickshire and will enable providers to reach more people in need of support.