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WPCC30018 – Comprehensive needs assessment contract award

Decision Title: Comprehensive needs assessment contract award

Decision Reference Number: WPCC3-0018

Lead Officer: Precious Williamson

If force business, date approved by Chief Officer: N/a

Date: 1st October 2021

Status:  Non-confidential

Decision summary:

Following the completion of a tender process, approval is given to award the contract for the comprehensive needs assessment to Tonic Consultants.

Signature: Philip Seccombe

Date: 8 October 2021

Supporting information

1.   Background information

In 2018 Warwickshire PCC undertook a victim needs assessment and subsequently commissioned 5 services for victims, CSE, drugs and alcohol, and sexual violence across Warwickshire. Some years have passed since the original needs assessment and it is important to ensure services are commissioned according to the right needs.  Moreover, the strategic landscape in relation to the provision of commissioned has been changing since the commissioning of victims services in 2018. Currently, commissioned services include:

  1. General Victims Recovery Service
  2. Sexual Abuse and Violence Recovery Service
  3. Children Sexual Exploitation Recovery Service

These contracts are 3+1+1 and run to 31 March 2022 with an option to extend to 31 March 2024.

  1. Adults CJS Drug and Alcohol Abuse Service
  2. Child CJS Drug and Alcohol Abuse Service

These contracts are 2+1+1 and run to 31 March 2022 with an option to extend to 31 March 2023.

As currently commissioned services are nearing the end of contract or are at the point of consideration for extension, the PCC intends to commission a comprehensive needs assessment to inform its decisions, resource allocation and service design over the next 3-5 years. The needs assessment will seek to address current and future needs by conducting an in-depth analysis of vulnerability-related specialist support services including modern slavery and human trafficking, refugees and those who have questionable immigration status and getting a better understanding of the needs of Black Asian and Minority Ethnic Victims of Crime.

An invitation to quote was shared with various consultants and organisations that works in this space and was also uploaded onto the PCC website in July 2021. The budget for the needs assessment was set at 20k. However, the tender process did not generate any interest. The tender specification was subsequently revised and the budget increased to 30k and then reissued in August 2021. One bid was received from Tonic Consultants.

An evaluation panel (consisting of Commissioning and Grants Officer, Development and Policy Lead for (Criminal Justice, Drugs and Alcohol, and Equality) and Development Policy Lead for Victims and Road Safety) has reviewed the bid and determined the criteria set out in the RFP Document set has been met and that the consultant will be able to deliver a high quality needs assessment. This decision notice therefore seeks formal approval to award the contract to Tonic Consultants.

2.   List of additional information attached as appendices

3. Expected benefits

The overall aim this needs assessment is to enable the OPCC to better understand types of need for victims and survivors of crime in Warwickshire and which needs are unmet and why, how needs have changed and what are the gaps or constraints of meeting needs and identify how commissioned services have or have not adapted to those changes as well as set out clear performance indicators for monitoring and evaluating commissioned interventions and contracts. The needs assessment will consider implications for a comprehensive service (e.g. a holistic approach) to ensure services are responsive to changing need, priority, resources or legislation. This in turn will be used to inform the PCC’s commissioning intentions, resource allocation and service provision from 1st April 2023.

4. Impact of not approving the application

If a consultant is not appointed in a timely fashion this risks the recommissioning of services in 2023 April.

5. Costs (including any identified savings)

Revenue:  £29,998.00 for securing consultancy services from Tonic Consultants that can be met from within the exiting PCC consultancy budget and or PCC initiatives reserve.

6. Equality implications

There are none directly arising from this Agreement.

6.   Legal

The force procurement team have been involved and provided support to ensure all procurement legislation is complied with.

8. Publication

Information in this form is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI Act) and other legislation.  Unless the information provided is covered by an exemption and stated to be either confidential or partly confidential, the information contained in the form will be published on the OPCC website.

Comments from the Treasurer

The cost of procuring this comprehensive needs assessment (£29,998) can be met from within the annual PCC budget, and by utilising the PCC initiatives reserve funding if required.  The assessment will provide evidence to support the future commissioning process for services for vulnerable people and victims in Warwickshire.  The procurement process has ensured that value for money has been sought in the process of securing this work.

Comments from the Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer

This is an important investment to secure a strong understanding of the needs of our communities.  This will enable the PCC to understand those he represents, and is therefore well-timed for the start of this term of office.  This needs assessment will enable commissioning of services going forward.