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WPCC30002 – Woodcote House Phase 2 – Improvement Works

Decision Title: Woodcote House Phase 2 – Improvement Works

Decision Reference: WPCC30002

Lead Officer: Helen Minett – Estates, Facilities and Health & Safety Manager

Date: 13 April 2021

Status:  Non-confidential

Decision Summary:

This application is for Phase II improvement works to Woodcote House, Leek Wootton.

I confirm that I do not have any disclosable pecuniary interests in this decision and that the decision in compliance with the Code of Conduct.  Any interests are indicated below.

Signature:  Philip Seccombe

Date: 18 May 2021

1. Background Information

Phase I of the improvement works are nearing completion.  This application is for funding for Phase II improvement works.

Woodcote House is a public facing, flagship building forming part of the Head Quarters of Warwickshire Police.  Woodcote House is a grade II listed building.  Warwickshire Police have a duty of care to preserve this historical asset in a sensitive manner whilst still being able to use it to support operational policing for the county.  Woodcote House now provides training facilities for all Officers (including all new recruits) and staff serving the people of Warwickshire including all The ability to provide training facilities within the Warwickshire Police estates reduces the requirements and costs of using external venues.  The works have been discussed with the Conservation Officer.  They include the use of the appropriate materials to allow the walls to breathe naturally and therefore preserve the fabric of the building.

The works include the refurbishment of the following areas:

Ground Floor

  • Welfare areas (Toilets / Tea Points / Canteen)

1st Floor

  • Meeting Rooms / Office spaces
  • Welfare areas (Toilets / Tea points)

2. Detail of additional information attached

  1. a) WPCC30002 – Recommendation of Tender Documentation (PDF)

3. Expected Benefits

Warwickshire Police will fulfil its duties to preserve the historical asset.

Improved facilities for the training of Police Officers and Police Staff in Warwickshire.

Improved welfare facilities for all Officers and Staff based at Leek Wootton.

4. Impact of not approving the application

Warwickshire Police have a duty to preserve this historical asset.  If works are not completed, the Force will be failing to fulfil this duty and the building fabric will deteriorate.

The training facilities will not be suitable for the purpose resulting in the use of external venues.

The office and welfare facilities will not be compliant for use by Officers and Staff.

5. Costs (including any identified savings)

Revenue:  There are no revenue costs.

Capital:  The costs for capital works are £181,025.68. This includes a 5% contingency sum.  The costs are within the capital budget for Woodcote House improvements.

Savings : Reduction in costs of the use of external venues by use of the existing estate.

6. Equality Implications

This work includes considerations about increased accessibility – including lower worktops in the kitchen areas, refurbishment of the accessible toilets.  Further work is also planned for the mulitfaith prayer room.

7. Legal Implications


8. Publication

Information in this form is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI Act) and other legislation.  Unless the information provided is covered by an exemption, the information contained in the form will be published on the Warwickshire PCC website.

Comments from the Treasurer

This project can be funded from within the 2021/22 total capital budget allocated to the police headquarters site in Leek Wootton.  The budget of £2.602m for the Leek Wootton site was approved as part of the annual budget process and is fully funded.

The approval of this decision notice will see a budget of £181,025.68 allocated to this phase 2 work.  It is envisaged that the remaining budget for the headquarters should be sufficient to cover phase 3 works which will be brought to the Commissioner for approval at a later date.  The phase 2 project spending will be monitored separately, and included in the capital monitoring information shared with the Commissioner in the regular Money Matters report.

Comments from the Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer

This is part of a 3 stage process of improvement works to Woodcote House. It is important to maintain the integrity of the building as it is listed, and these improvements are sympathetic to that, as well as enhancing the user experience for those who live and work there.