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Tackling Extremism

PREVENT logo WarwickshireWarwickshire is a relatively safe place to live and most crime types are continuing to reduce. However, we also live in a global community which means we are affected by trends and events that occur at the international level. At present, we need to consider the international threat of terrorism and those people who are pulled into groups that support extremist causes.

In Warwickshire, authorities and communities are working together to deliver the Government’s Prevent Strategy. Prevent is one of four objectives which make up the Government’s Strategy for Countering Terrorism – CONTEST.

The Prevent Strategy has three key objectives:

  1. Respond to the ideological challenge of terrorism and the threat we face from those who promote it;
  2. Prevent people from being drawn into terrorism and ensure that they are given appropriate advice and support; and
  3. Work with sectors and institutions where there are risks of radicalisation which we need to address.

The Commissioner funds the county’s Prevent Officer, who develops relationships with professional partners, community members and leaders in districts and boroughs across Warwickshire, who have in turn become supportive Prevent leads within their own areas.

For more on the work to counter extremism in Warwickshire, visit the https://safeinwarwickshire.com/prevent/ website.