The Warwickshire Memorial for road traffic victims at Hartshill Hayes Country Park.
You are invited to join Warwickshire, Staffordshire, and Derbyshire road safety partnerships to make a united stand against road death and injury at Hartshill Hayes Country Park (CV10 0TE) for a guided walk on Friday 17 May at 1pm.
The walk is in support of the RoadPeace Challenge week of action from 13 to 19 May and each mile achieved will count towards the national RoadPeace Challenge target to walk, run, cycle or horse ride a total of 1,766 miles during the week in honour of the 1,766 people killed on UK roads in 2022.
Attendees will be signposted to the Warwickshire Memorial for road traffic victims on the day, where the walk starts and ends and have the option of completing either a 1.5 or 3-mile guided walk, their own walk or simply enjoying the views of Warwickshire, Staffordshire and Derbyshire that can be seen from the Memorial.
The three road safety partnerships are encouraging as many people possible to attend including emergency services personnel, victims and families, local schools and walking groups.
This isn’t the only way you can take a stand against road death and injury during the RoadPeace Challenge, as is being demonstrated by Chris Lewis of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Warwickshire and James Luckhurst of Project Edward who will be running 19 miles across Warwickshire and Coventry to the Park on 17 May to honour the 19 people killed on Warwickshire’s roads in 2022.
We will be recording the number of miles covered by supporters at Hartshill Hayes Country Park and submitting them to RoadPeace in the count down from 1,766 to zero – to reflect our Vision for Zero deaths on our roads.
How ever you decide to show your support 13-19 May, please share your photos on social media with us and RoadPeace on Facebook @WarksRoadSafety @RoadPeaceCharity and on Twitter @WarksRoadSafety @RoadPeace and Instagram @roadpeacecharity using the hashtag #RoadPeaceChallenge2024 & #1766MilesTogether
If you are unable to attend the main walk at 1pm but would like to take part, guided walks are available starting and ending at the Memorial every 30 minutes from 10am with the last walk leaving at 2.30pm that you are welcome to join.
Fay Cannon, Warwickshire Road Safety Partnership Coordinator said “We are extremely proud to be taking part in the RoadPeace Challenge to help amplify victims’ voices and bring road danger reduction to the forefront of a national conversation.
“This is so important because every year, people needlessly die in collisions on our roads. That’s why we and other road safety partnerships are continuing to strive to create a safer road environment for everyone that will encourage active and sustainable travel and in doing so help prevent deaths and injury on our roads.”
A spokesperson for Staffordshire Safer Roads Partnership said “Keeping Staffordshire’s roads safe is a key priority for the partnership so we are pleased this priority is shared by our neighbouring forces and Commissioners.
“Sadly, too many people continue to die or suffer serious injuries on our roads, with devasting consequences for their families, friends and communities.
“That’s why it’s vital we keep our shared road network as safe as possible for everyone, whether we walk, ride, cycle or drive. We all have a part to play, whether that’s through our own skills and attitudes as road users, or through making a difference locally by reporting road safety concerns.”
A spokesperson for Derbyshire and Derby Road Safety Partnership said “The Derbyshire and Derby Road Safety Partnership is proud to work with our neighbouring road safety partnerships to take part in the RoadPeace Challenge. Every death and life changing injury that occurs due to a road traffic collision, is one too many, with devastating impacts to those involved or close to those involved.”
Nick Simmons, CEO of RoadPeace, the national charity for road crash victims, said: “We commend the collaborative efforts of Warwickshire, Staffordshire, and Derbyshire road safety partnerships in joining forces for the RoadPeace Challenge.
“By uniting communities and advocating for safer roads, we honour the memory of the people needlessly killed in crashes and strive towards our shared Vision for Zero road deaths.
“The RoadPeace Challenge not only amplifies victims’ voices but also brings road danger reduction to the forefront of a national conversation, reminding us that every life lost on the road is one too many.”
Please follow us on @WarwickshireRoadSafety on Facebook and @WarksRoadSafety on Twitter. More information about Warwickshire Road Safety Partnership can be found on www.warksroadsafety.org
More ways to get involved in the RoadPeace Challenge can be found at: The RoadPeace Challenge – RoadPeace