The Leek Wootton site
Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe has today announced he is to halt the sale of the police site at Leek Wootton and the premises will be re-designated as the force’s headquarters in the future.
In October last year Warwickshire Police was notified by West Mercia Police’s Chief Constable and the West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) of a decision they had taken to terminate the strategic alliance between the two forces. This will take effect from October 2019.
Since this announcement by West Mercia, a team within Warwickshire Police has been working to evaluate all options available to the force ahead of transitioning to its post-alliance future and this planning is continuing.
Today, PCC Philip Seccombe said: “Given that we are now planning for a different future to that previously envisaged as part of the strategic alliance, we now need to plan and safeguard for the force’s future estate requirements.
“While at this current time the exact operational model and requirements are under consideration, it is recognised there will be the likely requirement to accommodate additional officers and staff in the future in the county as we transition out of the current strategic alliance arrangements.
“With this in mind I have revisited our estate needs with the Chief Constable and it now makes absolute sense to keep Leek Wootton as part of our force estate. Leek Wootton is a hugely valuable asset which contains good IT and infrastructure provisions and, although requires some refreshing, it is in a fit and suitable condition to support the force’s future estate needs.”
Chief Constable Martin Jelley added: “Warwickshire Police has a long and proud history in the county and Leek Wootton plays a significant part of this, and will now be a part of our future.
“Retaining Leek Wootton creates the space for any necessary rebuilding of functions and I am delighted that it will be re-designated as our force’s headquarters in the long term.
“I fully support the Commissioner in taking this decision and believe this is an important resource to enable the force to deliver the best possible protection to the public.”
It is the intention of the PCC to sell other parts of the Leek Wotton site not required for policing purposes and these will be marketed to prospective purchasers in due course.