Philip Seccombe wants to hear your views
Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe has launched a summer-long public consultation to find out people’s views on policing and community safety.
The consultation will help the Commissioner shape the next Police and Crime Plan for Warwickshire, which sets out the strategic direction for policing in the county as well as how the Warwickshire Police will work with other partner organisations to reduce crime and improve community safety.
The PCC is seeking the views of residents, businesses, community groups, partner organisations and victims of crime in order to get as wide a range of views as possible.
“Listening and engaging with the public is a fundamental part of my role and allows me to speak up on your behalf to ensure that the police service is acting on your needs and concerns,” said Mr Seccombe.
“It is only right that local people should have a part to play in shaping the Police and Crime Plan and I am keen to hear from everyone who makes up Warwickshire – whether they live here, work here, run a business here or who have been a victim of crime here. The survey is quick and easy to complete and I hope to hear from as many people as possible.”
The survey asks people to consider how different aspects of keeping communities safe should be prioritised, including detecting and preventing harm, protecting the vulnerable and reducing crime. It also asks people to say how safe they currently feel in Warwickshire and to rate how well Warwickshire Police is performing.
Mr Seccombe added: “Keeping people safe from harm often involves many activities which are not obvious to the public, as well as involving other agencies alongside the police. The nature of crime itself is also changing, with increases in cyber crime, an enhanced terrorist threat and the need to protect against child sexual exploitation being among the areas which increased focus will need to be placed and this is reflected in the survey questions.
“It is important that the survey gathers opinions across the whole breadth of policing and community safety and I would urge people to spare a few minutes to have their say.”
People can respond to the survey online at www.warwickshire-pcc.gov.uk or call 01926 412322 to request a hard copy printed version.
Alternatively, write to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, 3 Northgate Street, Warwick CV34 4SP to request a hard copy version of the consultation survey.
Please note this consultation has now closed. A summary of the findings will be published in due course. Thank you to everyone who took part.