Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe awarding Leamington Street Pastors with their grant fund for 2025/26
Services and organisations across the county have been awarded over £450,000 of funding to deliver projects which will seek to build a safer Warwickshire for all.
As part of the Commissioner’s Grants Scheme, 27 projects and initiatives have been supported with £275,000 for 25 organisations during the 2025/26 financial year. Applications for this funding opened in October 2024, for new and established community, voluntary or third sector organisations or groups; and statutory organisations to bid across four funds:
- Crime prevention fund: projects which take a problem solving approach to preventing and deterring crime, disorder and anti-social behaviour in Warwickshire
- Reducing reoffending fund: initiatives to support adults, children and young people who are known to criminal justice agencies, but who can be diverted from committing further offences
- Children and young people fund: projects which aim to prevent children and young people from becoming a victim of crime, or from ever entering the criminal justice system as an offender
- Road safety fund: initiatives which supports the Warwickshire Road Safety Partnership’s aim to reduce the number of people killed or seriously injured on our road by 50% by 2030
A range of successful bids were made, ranging from youth clubs and community-based volunteer groups to mediation services and riders’ groups encouraging safer road use with motorcyclists. In addition, £175,000 is available to support projects by Community Safety Partnerships across the county.
These grant recipients and partners sit alongside commissioned services, which offer support to victims and survivors of crime in Warwickshire. In total, over £3.4 million is being provided to protect communities and safeguard people who are most at risk of harm in Warwickshire.
Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner, Philip Seccombe, said: “I am very pleased to see a broad range of activities and organisations being supported this year via my Grants Scheme.
“I am encouraged to see four organisations awarded for the first time this year, with Esther Project, Reel Rod Squad, You Can Flourish and Parental Education Growth Support all being successful applicants. I am confident that they will join previous recipients who are making a real difference locally for Warwickshire residents.
“I look forward to seeing how communities and individuals will be supported in the year ahead by the vast array of initiatives. With projects addressing road safety, reducing reoffending, supporting children and young people and preventing and deterring crime, I know that they will all strive to support those who need help most and ensure we unite to create a safer Warwickshire for all.”
A full list of grant recipients for 2025/26 can be found at: www.warwickshire-pcc.gov.uk/key-information/commissioners-grants/