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Privacy Notice: Transfer of Data Abroad

If you have signed up to receive the OPCCs newsletter, your data may be transferred to the United States as a result of the OPCC’s use of MailChimp for data processing.  Additionally, data may also be transferred to the United States when responding to public consultations using on online SurveyMonkey form.  Both organisations have signed up to the US Privacy Shield Frameworks.  These are designed to provide a mechanism to comply with data protection requirements when transferring personal data from the European Union and Switzerland to the United States in support of transatlantic commerce.

The OPCC will not otherwise transfer your data outside the European Economic Area (“EEA”).  However, if this is required at any time, any personal data transferred to countries or territories outside the EEA will only be placed on systems complying with measures giving equivalent protection of personal rights, either through international agreements or contracts approved by the European Union.