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Privacy Notice: Commissioner’s E-mail Newsletter

Personal data obtained when individual signs up to receive the OPCC’s newsletter.

a. What personal information do we hold?

If you sign up to receive our newsletters via Warwickshire Connected we will collect and store the following information about you:

  • Identity data – your name.
  • Contact details data – email address, postal address and, if provided, telephone number

b. How do we collect your personal information?

We collect your personal information through a sign up form on the Warwickshire Connected website.  Users who complete the form are emailed a link to complete the sign-up as part of a two-step verification process, to ensure that they understand that they are subscribing to our email newsletter and to prevent malicious use.  Users may opt to receive updates from a range of partners in Warwickshire in addition to the OPCC, including Warwickshire Police and Neighbourhood Watch.  Likewise, when signing up to newsletters from these other organisations, users may also opt to subscribe to alerts from the OPCC.

We may also ask you for your personal information in order to subscribe you to our newsletter as part of our public consultations.  We will always make this clear in our consultations.
Provision of this personal information will always be optional and subject to the same two-step verification process.

c. For what purposes do we use your personal information?

If you have signed up to receive our newsletter, your personal data is held to enable the OPCC to send the newsletter to you.

d. What is the legal basis for our use of your personal information?

The legal basis that we rely on to process your personal data is consent.

You have the right to withdraw your consent for processing at any time.  To withdraw your consent, clicking the unsubscribe link in the footer of each email newsletter or contact us at [email protected].  Once we have received notification that you have withdrawn your consent, we will delete your email address from our mailing list.

e. Who will we share your personal information with?

The Warwickshire Connected email service is part of the Neighbourhood Alerts system of sites, to which the OPCC has signed up to standard contractual terms.  Neighbourhood Alerts is operated by VISAV Ltd.  By subscribing to receive the Commissioner’s monthly email update you acknowledge that the information you provide will be transferred to for processing to VISAV Ltd in accordance with its Privacy Policy.

f. How long will we keep your personal information?

If you have signed up to receive our newsletter, we will retain your data in line with the Neighbourhood Alerts Privacy Policy.