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Covid-19 Supplement

Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe has produced a plan to outline the work he and his office are doing to support communities and Warwickshire Police during the Covid-19 emergency and beyond.

The plan outlines the work that is under way to mitigate the risks posed by Covid-19, to provide help and support to those that need it. It also sets out how the Commissioner will continue to support the Chief Constable while also holding him to account in delivering an efficient and effective policing service to communities during the crisis.

The document sits alongside the main Warwickshire Police and Crime Plan, which remains in place to 2021 with the overall ambition of creating a safer, more secure Warwickshire.

The Covid-19 Supplement will continue to evolve over the coming weeks as the situation in the community changes.

You can read the document in full via the link below (requires Adobe Reader)

Covid-19 Supplement