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PCC’s new road safety fund opens for applications

April 23, 2019

Road Safety Fund logoA new £500,000 fund for projects tackling road safety in Warwickshire has been opened for applications by the county’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Philip Seccombe.

The Warwickshire Road Safety Fund has been designed to encourage new projects across the county to complement the existing work of the police, fire and rescue and highway authorities. It comes as part of the Commissioner’s commitment to reduce the numbers of people killed and seriously injured on the county’s roads.

The fund will support projects which help to change driver, rider and pedestrian behaviour to reduce risk-taking, protect vulnerable road users, and provide enhanced road safety awareness. Multi-agency and collaborative projects will also be welcomed.

Prospective applicants have until June 3 to bid for a slice of the funding, with successful bids expected to be announced later in July.

Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe said: “By making this money available I want to really encourage a greater emphasis on road safety across Warwickshire for all users of our roads. Our police, fire and rescue services, highway authorities and community safety partnerships already play a key role in road safety but there are other groups and organisations that can help make a real difference.

“I was really encouraged by an engagement day we had earlier this month with prospective bidders, which showed there are lots of potential schemes and good ideas out there that could help to make a real difference on our roads. In opening the fund for applications, I want to hear from as many of them as possible.

“Sadly, in 2018 there were 35 people killed and 320 others who suffered serious injuries on Warwickshire’s roads and of course, for every one of these there were many other family members and friends who were also deeply affected. This is simply too high a number and I am determined to find new ways of ensuring that our county is as safe as it can be for all road users and pedestrians.

“This funding will be in addition to the work that is already ongoing to tackle anti-social and dangerous driving, as I am keen to support an even wider variety of road safety schemes as it is clear that more needs to be done.”

The Road Safety Fund is open to both established and new service providers, with applications welcomed from community, voluntary, third sector and statutory organisations that deliver projects or services at a countywide level, or for projects that are targeted in one or more local authority areas within Warwickshire.

There is no minimum or maximum bid level but projects should generally last for a period of 12 months.

For more details of how to apply, visit: www.warwickshire-pcc.gov.uk.

Applications will be assessed during June and the successful bids are expected to be awarded in July.