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Last few days remaining to take part in Police Precept survey

January 15, 2018

There are only a few days remaining for the public to give their feedback on proposals to boost funding for policing in Warwickshire through an increase in the police share of Council Tax.

Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe has put forward three options for raising more money for frontline policing, with the additional funding to be used to help offset the number of police officer posts which might otherwise have to be lost if no increases were applied.

The public consultation, which began before Christmas, is running online until this Friday (January 19). Local taxpayers and residents are being asked to indicate their support for one of three options for increases to the Police Precept – the portion of Council Tax bills which goes towards policing:

  • Option 1 – increase the police precept by £12 per year (on a Band D property). This equates to a rise of 6.25% and would mean a Band D taxpayer would pay an extra £1 per month. This funding option would mean the force could retain around 33 police officer posts that might otherwise have been lost.
  • Option 2 – increase the police precept by £10 per year year (on a Band D property). This equates to a rise of 5.21% and would mean a Band D taxpayer would pay around an extra 83 pence per month. This funding option would mean the force could retain around 25 police officer posts that might otherwise have been lost.
  • Option 3 – increase the police precept by £8 per year (on a Band D property). This equates to a rise of 4.17% and would mean a Band D taxpayer would pay around an extra 67 pence per month. This funding option would mean the force could retain around 18 police officer posts that might otherwise have been lost.

(Percentage increases would apply to all tax bands but Band D increases are provided in monetary terms by way of example).

Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe said: “I have already had a good response to the consultation, with well over 1,000 responses from around the county since it was launched just before Christmas. I’m still keen to hear from more local people. If you haven’t gone online to take the consultation, you have until the end of Friday to take part.

“The survey allows you to indicate which of the three options you find preferable, as well as the chance to leave more detailed feedback at the end of the survey. I will be taking on board all of the comments before I make my final proposal on the budget for 2018/19 at the end of the month.”

The survey can be completed at www.warwickshire-pcc.gov.uk/preceptsurvey where additional information and a guide to frequently asked questions about Council Tax and the Police Precept can be viewed or downloaded.

The consultation will close on Friday January 19, 2018.