On this page you will find financial information relating to projected and actual income, and expenditure relating to our budget, statement of accounts, expenditure over £500, contracts and expenses.
Financial information
- Finance reports for the current and previous two financial years
- Annual Statement of Accounts
- External auditors’ reports and Audit/Management letters.
- The budget for the Office of the PCC
- The level of Policing Precept set by the PCC
- The PCC’s investment strategy
- Expenditure over £500
- Contract information
- Financial regulations / scheme of consent i.e. delegated authorities
- Interests in property
This information is published on our ‘Financial Information’ page
Pay and rewards
- Team information – including pay and grading structure, staff diversity information and details of arrangements to utilise staff of the office of the Chief Constable or other local authorities
- Expenses and allowances – details of expenses incurred by the PCC, Deputy PCC (if employed), Chief Executive and Chief Constable as part of their role
- Chief Constable – information about the current Chief Constable, their terms of employment and remuneration
We are not required to report on trade union facility time as the OPCC has fewer than 49 employees.
Grants and commissioning
- Details of any grants awarded by the PCC:
- Recipient
- Purpose
- Any conditions
- Reason why grant was awarded (i.e. why it contributes to crime and disorder reduction)
- Commissioned and co-commissioned services, including:
- Currently commissioned services
- Commissioning intentions
- Future commissioned services
This information is published on our Grants and Commissioned Services page