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The Services We Offer

Information about the services that fall within the responsibility of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner.

Leaflets and explanatory booklets

Leaflets and explanatory booklets published by the OPCC include the Police and Crime Plan, Victims’ and Witnesses’ Charter, annual council tax leaflet and annual reports.

These can be found on the Our Publications section of this website.

Media Releases

Our media releases are published on the website within our News and Media section.  We also publish information on our Facebook, Twitter and YouTube social media feeds.

Services for which we recover a fee

The OPCC does not provide any general services for which a fee is recoverable.

In accordance with its obligations under the Freedom of Information Act, a large amount of information is provided on this website by the OPCC. If information that has been requested is not already available the OPCC’s aim is to make as much as possible available to requestors free of charge. However where it will take time to gather or prepare the information requested, that is deemed to be over the prescribed limit (currently £450 based on 18 hours at a standard rate of £25 per hour), the OPCC is entitled under FOIA to refuse to supply the information or charge for that work.

It is OPCC’s usual policy is to refuse requests that exceed this prescribed limit. However OPCC staff will work with the requestor to bring their request under this limit or where appropriate provide any relevant information for under this limit. If a request does attract any charges we will ask the requestor whether they wish to continue with the request before we undertake the work. Requestors will be advised of any charges following receipt of their request by the OPCC. The detailed charges that may be levied for printing, copying, postage and supplying the information in a specific format are as follows:

Item Fee
Black & white copy of A4 sheet 10p per sheet
Colour copy of A4 sheet 50p per sheet
CD/DVD/USB At cost
Other charges – environmental information
Other costs that the OPCC considers “reasonable” – factors such as time taken to locate and retrieve information may be taken into account

For those without access to the internet, we will provide a single printout of an individual publication, as shown on the website, free of charge.