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How We Make Decisions

This page explains our decision making processes and how we keep a record of our decisions. It also includes information on some of our engagement and consultation activity with local people.

Schedule of meetings open to the public

Public events which will be attended by the Commissioner and/or the office as part of his duties are listed in our website events calendar and are also promoted on our social media channels, the Commissioner’s newsletter and through local media.

The meetings of the Joint Audit and Standards Committee are also open to the public.  View meeting dates and papers at:

Records of important decisions

The Police and Crime Commissioner makes a number of important decisions to do with policing, crime and community safety in Warwickshire.

With the exception of exempt decisions a copy of all the decision making applications, together with a record of the decision made will be published on the Police and Crime Commissioner’s website.  This will enable members of the public and the Police and Crime Panel members to have access to the decision making function of the Police and Crime Commissioner.

Procedures, facts and analyses of facts used for decision-making

In discharging the functions of the Police and Crime Commissioner, a number of key decisions will have to be made. To ensure an effective and efficient delivery of the police and crime service, a number of responsibilities and associated decision making has been delegated to various post holders. The framework setting out the delegation/consent of responsibilities and decision making is the Corporate Governance Framework.

For decisions which have not been delegated, the Decision Making Policy applies.

Public Consultations

The Police and Crime Commissioner regularly consults with the public to understand their concerns and issues on topical policing issues.