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WA1428 – Political Advisors appointed by the OPCC

FOI Request regarding: Political Advisors appointed by the OPCC

Request received: 11/03/2021

Responded: 11/03/2021


For following time periods – 2015/6, 2016/7, 2017/8, 2018/9, 2019/20 and also for between the 1st April 2020 and 28th February 2021: –

Q1) How many “political advisers” were appointed by your force area’s PCC over the stated period? 

Response – None

Q1a) Please can you tell me the name of the serving PCC at the time who hired such advisers, the combined yearly salaries of said political advisers (£), their full names and dates of appointment (in the format- DD/MM/YYYY).

Response – Not Applicable

Q1b) If the PCC had a deputy PCC below them, how many “political advisers” were appointed by the deputy PCC(s) over the stated period, and how many of them were party political office holders or active party members (please state) at the time of appointment?

Response – None

For Q1b) Could you please tell me the name of the political party (for example, but not limited to: the Labour Party, the Conservative Party) or party political office said adviser(s) belonged to.

Response – Not applicable