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WA1186 – Hate crime in Warwickshire

FOI Request regarding: Seeking information on hate crime.

Request received:  01/02/2021

Responded: 02/03/2021


Q: Recorded levels of hate crime in Warwickshire, broken down by type of crime and category of protected characteristic, in each year from 2015/16 to 2020/21.

A: Although the Police and Crime Commissioner receives regular hate crime performance reports from Warwickshire Police, this information is the property of Warwickshire Police and is restricted.  I therefore cannot disclose this information as the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) is not the owner.

You may wish to redirect this part of your Freedom of Information request to Warwickshire Police using the following details:

Online form: https://www.warwickshire.police.uk/rqo/request/ri/request-information/rip/request-information-police/request-information-about-police/?lid=&cid=&rid=73562&stepid=1

Address: Information Compliance Team, Rugby Police Station, Newbold Road, Rugby, Warwickshire CV21 2DH.

Tel: 01926 415000 and ask to speak to the Information Compliance Team.


Q: Any public statements made by the Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner that mention ‘hate crime’ from the period 1st January 2020 to 31st December 2020.

A: Please find a media release referencing hate crime during the specified period at the following link: https://www.warwickshire-pcc.gov.uk/pcc-voices-his-support-for-warwickshire-pride-as-it-goes-virtual-for-2020/

The Commissioner recorded a piece for the Pride Festival which includes hate crime, which can be found at the following link: https://youtu.be/HM7z946bqbY?t=2090

There were a number of tweets from the Police and Crime Commissioner’s account during hate crime awareness week in October 2020.  These can be found here: https://twitter.com/WarwickshirePCC

The OPCC does not keep records of meetings which the Commissioner has attended where he may have answered questions about or referenced hate crime but we are aware that this does happen.

The OPCC would not have any specific information held about references that may have been made in media interviews, speeches or other public engagements.

The number of public engagements has been significantly reduced over the last year due to the Covid-19 pandemic, which has limited opportunities to attend events.


Q: Details of any grant funding or commissioning given by the Office of the Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner to projects addressing hate crime, in each year from 2015/16 to 2020/21. Please include, value of grant or commissioning in ££, period of time, recipient of funding, and function of the project or service.

A: Details of Police and Crime Commissioner grants, commissioning and funding can be found on the Commissioner’s website, which also includes a link to the archived grants: https://www.warwickshire-pcc.gov.uk/your-pcc/commissioners-grants/

I have identified those grants which directly relate to hate crime as requested and you will find these in the table below.  Please also note that a number of other grants and commissioned services will also include elements of hate crime.  For example, Victim Support services funded by the PCC will support victims of hate crime; the ECINs administration funded by the PCC provides hate crime data to partners and Community Safety Partnerships; and a whole range of funded youth and diversionary activities will support young people who are victims or witnesses of hate crime.  The financial year stated below is the funding period.

Year Value (£) Recipient of Funding Function of Project or Service
2015/16 £15,000 Warwickshire County Council To deliver a hate crime workshop to better understand the issues effecting Warwickshire residents, and to improve knowledge and awareness of hate crimes and how to report them.
2016/17 £5,166.20 Warwickshire County Council Warwickshire County Council to work with the Warwickshire Race Equality Partnership to conduct a gap analysis of hate crime in the county.
2016/17 £7,000 Warwickshire County Council To fund hate crime branding for the Countywide Hate Crime Group to raise awareness of hate crime and provide resources and advice to victims, perpetrators and local partners/ organisations.
2017/18 £3,000 Warwickshire Youth Parliament Funding for the ‘Don’t Hate Educate’ campaign projects to raise awareness and educate young people about differences particularly with regard to Racism, Religion, Homophobia, abilities and Mental Health.  Activities to include: produce a resource/ guide, planning and delivering an event and an art project to express concerns/ issues/ feelings.
2017/18 £10,000 Warwickshire Race Equality Partnership
To fund hate crime training for frontline workers and volunteers to be able to identify and support victims of hate crime.
2018/19 £300 Warwickshire Youth Parliament To fund materials and an event to raise young people’s awareness of hate crime and its impact in relation to LGBT+ communities.
2018/19 £8,975 Equality and Inclusion Partnership (EQuIP) To contribute towards initial engagement and launch of a Hate Crime Charter in Warwickshire focusing on private sector businesses.
2019/20 £4,000 Equality and Inclusion Partnership (EQuIP) Funding existing project using the website, promotional materials and training courses to publicise the anti-hate message, reassure the public, train staff and professionals in how to recognise/ deal/ deter hate crime, and promote reporting of hate crime.  Also to greater support victims of hate crime through promotion of support services by businesses.
2019/20 £2,000 Warwickshire Pride 12 workshops to both organisations and the public to raise awareness around what hate crime is, how to report it, how to challenge it, how to prevent it, how to be inclusive of the LGBT+ community and how to support them in the face of hate.  Aims to improve rates of reporting by LGBT+ community and LGBT+ allies.  Aims to reduce rate of crime occurring.  Aims to improve well-being and confidence of LGBT+ community by giving them a more inclusive environment and helping them feel supported.
2019/20 £3,000 Heartstone Funding towards a story telling project tacking hate crime and intolerance in young children in the Rugby area.
2020/21 £4,000 Warwickshire Pride Funding to expand existing LGBT+ youth groups to other areas of the county.
2020/21 £1,000 Equality and Inclusion Partnership (EQuIP) Funding to expand the Hate Crime Charter to 25 schools and colleges and 25 community groups to raise awareness of hate crime and the online reporting facility.
2020/21 £2,442 Equality and Inclusion Partnership (EQuIP) Funding to purchase up to date IT equipment which can be used by EQuIP staff to work at home during the pandemic to enable the team to continue their work, including supporting partnership hate crime work, supporting victims of hate crime and delivering the PCC hate crime funded project.