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WA05158 – PCC relationships and collaborations with GRT communities

Request Received: 18 November 2024

Responded: 4 December 2024

Q1 – Can you provide details of efforts the Commissioner has made to improve relationships with the Gypsy and Traveller communities in Warwickshire?

A –

Over the past eight years, the PCC has recognised the importance of improving relationships within the Gypsy Roma Traveller (GRT) community. The Commissioner has attended engagements, such as the Kenilworth Horse Fair to meet traveller communities, and has provided a small financial grant to assist with developing facilities to assist disabled individuals and attended GRT history month in Warwickshire. Most recently inviting members of the GRT community to express their specific views of policing and community safety for his Police and Crime Plan survey.

The Commissioner understands and supports the need for local authorities to provide more land for traveller occupation and supports the Chief Executive of Warwick District Council in trying to develop the idea of establishing a modern traveller transit site in Leamington.


Q2 – Can you provide details of collaboration work the Commissioner has done with the local authority to tackle unauthorised encampments?

A –

During 2016/17, the Police and Crime Commissioner received numerous complaints in relation to a number of high-profile unauthorised encampments which attracted public and local political criticism. The PCC felt that the partnership agency response, particularly policing response, was inefficient and ineffective, therefore too complaints seriously.

The PCC went on to host several meetings with interested partner agencies with the aim to achieve a cohesive and joined up approach. This then led to the OPCC writing the Warwickshire Protocol which was implemented in 2017 and recognised by all Warwickshire local authorities.

The PCC further advocated and supported the appointment, by the Chief Constable, of a dedicated GRT Tactical Liaison Officer which was a transformative appointment and has led to very significant improvement between GRT communities and Warwickshire partner agencies. To support this appointment, the PCC also assigned a dedicated policy officer to lead on GRT issues to further ensure consistency of approach, engagement and effectiveness.

In 2019, the Commissioner co-led a Warwickshire Partnership Summit – ‘The effective management of unauthorised encampments in Warwickshire.’ This summit reviewed the overall policing response, the local & national picture around unauthorised encampments, the countywide perspective; approach & challenges from District & Borough Councils across Warwickshire, injunctions, productive management of unauthorised encampments and future opportunities for partnership working.