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WA05037 – Independent Hunting Review

Request Received: 27 September 2024

Responded: 16 October 2024

Q1. Who is carrying out the review and what is their background?

David Peet. David is an experienced Chief Executive and organisational leader with decades of police governance experience.

Q2. Have any checks been made into the views and associations of the person carrying out the review in relation to hunting so as to ensure it is truly independent?

The relevant background checks have been conducted, including national vetting and references.

Q3. Can you please let me have a copy of the terms of reference.

Please see link to the OPCC website whereby the Terms of reference are published. Independent review begins into policing of activities related to hunting in Warwickshire – Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Warwickshire (warwickshire-pcc.gov.uk)

Q4. Will the reviewer be talking to members of the public opposed to fox hunting?

This will be determined by David, as the independent reviewer.