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WA04906 – Estate Management around Upper Lake

Request Received: 5 August 2024

Responded: 23 August 2024

Q1. As you are aware the area around the Upper Lake is home to numerous protected species. We are anxious to learn why this area was cleared in February and July. Please provide a copy of all correspondence, emails, minutes of meetings relating to your decision making process to clear this area.

A – No Information held.


Q2. Please provide a copy of all correspondence, emails, minutes of meetings relating to what wildlife mitigation measures have been taken out, prior to the work being carried out.

A – No information held


Q3. Why did you not employ a suitably qualified Ecologist prior to the clearance to check for the presence of nesting birds and other protected species under the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981) to ensure that no offence was committed? Please provide a copy of all correspondence, emails, minutes of meetings relating to your decision making process.

A – This question was responded to in our response dated 5th April 2024.


Q4. As you are aware the ‘Bird Nesting Season’ is officially from February until August (Natural England) and the bat nesting season from June to early August. It is recommended that vegetation works (tree or hedge cutting) or site clearance should be done outside of these nesting seasons. Why did you carry out the removal of existing scrub/bramble vegetation in these nesting seasons. Please provide a copy of all correspondence, emails, minutes of meetings, etc, i.e. the documents relating to the decision-making process to justify carrying out this work in the bird and Bat nesting season.

A – This question was responded to in our response dated 5th April 2024.


Q5. As trees and undergrowth were removed on the banks of the upper lake why did you not employ a suitably licensed ecologist who is experienced in carrying out surveys and assessment for otters? Please provide a copy of all correspondence, emails, minutes of meetings, etc, i.e. the documents relating to the decision-making process to justify not employ a suitably licensed ecologist.

A – This question was responded to in our response dated 5th April 2024.


Q6. Can you please forward what permissions have been granted for the removal of trees notably two healthy trees on the shoreline (see photograph) their diameters are 750 mm & 600 mm.

A – This information is not held.


Q7. You have provided seating in this area of woodland. Who is this for; a) Your staff? b)Residents of the new Cala development? c) The local community? d) All of the above?

A – This land is for the use of operational policing activity


Q8. Will this be an annual clearance of this area of woodland?

A – The area you refer to is scheduled for ground weed clearance via strimming, quarterly as part of the ground’s maintenance schedule for the estate.


Q9. In my letter dated the 14th April 2024 I requested that the OPCC carry out an internal review relating the your failure to provide any information despite numerous requests over the past two years and your failure in setting up basic management infrastructures for the estate. This request was answered by Claire Morris, Head of Business Services in her letter dated 10th May 2024 (copy attached) in which she stated; “I will write to you separately about the other matters you raise in your letter, which are subject to an internal review as you are dissatisfied with a previous response”. Three months have passed and I have yet to receive a reply.

A – Please see attached response sent from Claire Morris on the 10th May 2024.


Q10. In your letter 2nd July (copy attached) you stated; “An internal review of the FOI process has been undertaken and a response provided to you on the 10th of June 2024. Therefore, there is no further information available to provide to you regarding your request”. I have received no communication dated the 10th June, I presume this is a typo and that you are referring to Claire Morris’s letter dated the 10th May. Please confirm this.

A – I can confirm that this was a typo in my letter and should have referred to the 10th May 2024 not the 10th June.