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WA04562 – CPN withdrawal

Request Received: 5 March 2024

Responded: 14 March 2024

Q – Could I politely ask for an explanation of why the initial Community Protection Notice (CPN) which protected the safety of the public and road users was withdrawn? I understand that the Warwickshire Hunt had appealed against  the CPN which would have provided everyone with the opportunity to see Open, Honest, and Transparent scrutiny take place. The appeal might have dismissed the CPN anyway.

Q – Could you  provide details of who actually cancelled or withdrew the CPN (which had been legally issued)

Q – Could you please confirm the parties involved in the decision to withdraw the CPN

A – The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) does not hold the information that you have requested.

In order to be of further assistance, I would like to draw to your attention that the OPCC, and Warwickshire Police are separate legal entities and may wish to direct your questions to them via email : [email protected].