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WA04416 – OPCC recruitment information

Request Received: 30 November 2023

Responded: 19 December 2023

Q: How many new permanent hires joined your organisation in 2022?

A: 6 permanent roles

Q: How many new permanent hires came through external providers in 2022?

A: 6

Q: How many team members work in your Recruitment Team?

A: The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) does not have a recruitment team.

Q: What is your time to hire from adverting to onboarding?

A: There is no set timeframe.

Q: What was  your attrition rate in 2022?

A: 2

Q: What is your average cost per hire (including attraction and screening) in 2022?

A: £240

Q: How much did you spend with external providers of permanent recruitment in 2022?

A: £684

Q: How many unique agency contractors/temps/interims did you use in 2022?

A: 0

 Q: How much did you spend on agency contractors/temps/interims in 2022?

A: £0

Q: Are you meeting your diversity targets? (yes or no)

A: The OPCC does not have diversity targets.

Q: How many candidates applied for roles in 2022? What is your candidate drop-out rate?

A: 22 candidates applied for role. 0 dropped out.

Q: Which systems do you use for your permanent recruitment process?

A: The OPCC does not use a recruitment system for permanent recruitment.