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WA04403 – OPCC information

Request Received: 21 November 2023

Responded: 19 December 2023

Q: Name of organisation SIRO (Senior Information Risk Owner) or similar post (Chief Information Governance Officer etc), or responsible person for SIRO duties.

A: SIRO: Claire Morris

Q: Contact email of person named in request No. 1.

A: [email protected]

Q: Name of organisation DPO (Data Protection Officer) or responsible person for DPO duties.

A: DPO: Claire Morris

Q: Contact email of DPO.

A: [email protected]

Q: Have you appointed, or do you plan on appointing or delegating the position of IAO to any employees?

A: No

Q: Whom is responsible for the leading IAO structure, I.E. the SIRO/’Lead’ IAO/Head of Governance/Head of Corporate Services etc.?

A: Head of Business Services and Assurance.

Q: Whom is responsible for reviewing and implementing any training needs for the IAO’s? (A job title is fine)

A: Head of Business Services and Assurance.

Q: Spend on external IAO training over the past 5 years, per year (financial year), or is the training delivered internally (if at all)?

A: £0

Q: Are you or have you considered becoming ISO 27001 compliant or certified?

A: No

Q: Following on from previous question, If so whom is/would be responsible for implementation or exploration of ISO 27001? (as in, the person/job title)

A: Claire Morris Head of Business Services and Assurance.