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WA04293 – Revoking of CPN relating to Warwickshire Hunt

Request Received: 25 July 2023

Responded: 23 August 2023

Q1.Who attended the meeting or meetings to discuss the withdrawal of the CPN case against the Warwickshire Hunt and on what dates were meetings held?

Q2. Who attended the meeting or meetings where the protocol was agreed and signed and on what dates? 

Q3. Who signed the protocol agreed in relation to the above case? Specifically, who from the Warwickshire Police and who from the Warwickshire Hunt?

Q4. Where can the protocol be accessed by members of the public and when?

Q5. Why has the protocol not been made public as at today’s date?

Q6. The Countryside Alliance were evidently aware of the CPN being withdrawn before the Rural Crime Team which issued the CPN. This is evidenced in the press release published on 13th August 2023 in The Telegraph with quotes from Polly Portwin from the Countryside Alliance as well as from Warwickshire Police. Who liaised or alerted the Countryside Alliance to the withdrawal of the CPN and when?

Q7: It has been reported that the Countryside Alliance funded the legal costs for the Warwickshire Hunt’s appeal. Please furnish any information that the Warwickshire Police has in relation to this. 

Q8: Were representatives from the Countryside Alliance in attendance at any of the meetings, including the Police Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe who publicly states his membership of the Countryside Alliance? 

Q9. What has been the involvement of the police Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe or any of his representatives in this matter? 


A1.  Information not held

A2. Information not held

A3. Information not held

A4. Warwickshire Police have applied an exemption in respect of S32 of the Freedom of Information Act

A5. See answer 4

A6. Information not held

A7. Information not held

A8. The OPCC does not hold details of who attended the meetings, although can confirm that the Police and Crime Commissioner did not attend.

A9. Neither the Police and Crime Commissioner or any OPCC staff have been involved in this matter.