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WA0428 – Names and contact details for staff at the Warwickshire OPCC

FOI Request regarding: Names and contact details for staff at the Warwickshire OPCC

Request received:  22/10/2020
Responded: 22/10/2020

Thank you for your email requesting information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 for the contact details of the Warwickshire OPCC staff.

You can access our staff organisation staff via our website :- Warwickshire OPCC Team Structure

For your information we encourage all contact to our office be made via the [email protected], to ensure it is recorded centrally.

Commissioner             :        Philip Seccombe
[email protected]
Tel : 01926 412322

Chief Executive                :    Neil Hewison
[email protected]
Tel : 01926 412118

Chief Finance Officer       :   Sara Ansell
[email protected]
Tel : 01926 412117

Commissioning Officer    :    Precious Williamson
[email protected]
Tel : 01926 736113

Head of Governance        :    Neil Hewison (Chief Exec) and Sara Ansell (Chief Finance Officer) details as above

The Warwickshire OPCC does not have a Head of Procurement, a Head of Data/ICT/Digital or any Departmental Directors / Heads.  We also do not have a Deputy Commissioner.