Request Received: 25 July 2023
Responded: 23 August 2023
Q: Please provide the following information for your Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Programme for the 2022/2023 Financial Year
- The Name/Title/Scope of the commissioned programme in your area
- The total number of males who self-referred into the programme
- The total number of self-referred males who were accepted onto the programme
- The total number of self-referred males who have completed the programme
- The total number of males referred by an agency (e.g., police, social service etc.) into the programme
- The total number of referred males who were accepted on to the programme
- The total number of referred males who have completed the programme
- The names of the organisations who have made a referral to the programme
- Link to evaluation of programme efficacy:
- Financial Contributors: (Inclusive of Statutory, Non-Statutory Organisations and individual voluntary donations)
- Budget inclusive of Running Costs
A: Financial year 2022/23:
- Name/Title/Scope of the commissioned programme in your area: Warwickshire Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Programme (W-DAPP).
- The total number of males who self-referred into the programme: 19.
- The total number of self-referred males who were accepted onto the programme: 8.
- The total number of self-referred males who have completed the programme: 3 (as at 31/03/2023) **
- The total number of males referred by an agency (e.g., police, social service etc.) into the programme: 55.
- The total number of referred males who were accepted on to the programme: 44.
- The total number of referred males who have completed the programme: 23 (as at 31/03/2023) **
- The names of the organisations who have made a referral to the programme: This information cannot be disclosed due to the commercial sensitivity of referring organisations.
- Financial Contributors: Home Office (£200,000), Police and Crime Commissioner Warwickshire (£100,000)
- Budget inclusive of Running Costs: £300,000
** It should be noted that the main pathways under W-DAPP are 6 months and 9 months in duration, so completion for some service users will fall beyond the end of the financial year.