Request Received: 04/04/2022
Responded: 22/04/2022
Q1. Grants awarded to Warwickshire Pride (over the last three years)
A. 2019/20- £2,000
2020/21 – £4,000
2021/22 – Nil
Q2. Staffing support (are you paying for any staff members and associated benefits) to Warwickshire Pride (over the last three years)
A. No such payments
Q3. Benefits-in-kind (such as reduced fees) and any other financial contribution awarded to Warwickshire Pride (over the last three years)
A. No such payments
Q4. For the above please provide any contracts or obligations set out on Warwickshire Pride or Warwickshire Police or OPCC
A. There are no contracts that I am aware of
Q. Any aspects of the police’s or office’s work (for example, but not limited to, safeguarding and diversity and inclusion) where Warwickshire Police or OPCC either formally or routinely seeks the advice from Warwickshire Pride
A. Nil