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PCC20 FOI 0602 – Knife crime in Warwick and Leamington

FOI Request regarding: Knife crime in Warwick and Leamington

Request received: 04/06/2020
Responded: 25/06/2020


1. What are the statistics (by year) for the past 10 years across the County and by major town for total knife-crimes and murders by stabbing?

2. How many people have been (a) apprehended and (b) arrested and charged on drug dealing offences by year for the past 5 years in Warwick and Leamington?

3. Separately, how many licensed premises In Warwick and Leamington have been raided on suspected drugs offences?

4. Specifically, can you tell me for Warwick and Leamington (since 2016)

  • (a) How many arrests have been made and
  • (b) How many people have been charged on people trafficking offences per year?

6. What were the number of full-time officers based at each of Leamington and Warwick police stations in 2010?

A. I regret to inform you that this information is not held by the OPCC and has therefore been referred to Warwickshire Police, who may hold such information, for a response.

7. What is the lowest number of full-time Police Officers (ie not CPSO or back office) have we had during your tenure as PCC and what is the highest?

A. It is not possible to differentiate between what could be considered to be ‘front-line’ and ‘back-office’ police officers, as much depends upon a subjective definition of each and so neither category are recorded separately. The following figures are those held on record by the OPCC for actual Warwickshire police officer numbers, they do not include PCSOs: –

  • The lowest number is 782 at July 2018.
  • The highest number is 1081 at June 2020 (Establishment = 1059 / Actual Strength Headcount = 1085).