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Police Appeals Tribunals

To improve openness and accountability in policing and ensure public confidence, Police Appeal Tribunals involving police officers are now held in public.  In circumstances where this is not appropriate, or where certain parts of the tribunal need to be in private, adequate notice will be given and the reasons why will be explained.

Police Appeals Tribunals (PATs) hear appeals against the findings of gross misconduct brought by police officers or special constables. PATs are currently governed by Police Appeals Tribunal Rules 2020. Members of the public can attend appeal hearings as observers but are not allowed to participate in proceedings. The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Warwickshire is responsible for appointing the legally qualified Independent Chair, to conduct the proceedings.

An officer may appeal from a misconduct hearing held under the Police (Conduct) Regulations 2020 and the Police (Performance) Regulations 2020.

Appeals related to decisions which have been made under the previous versions of these Regulations will be dealt with under the Police Appeals Tribunals Rules 2012.

The Police Appeals Tribunal Rules 2020 and the Home Office – Statutory Guidance on Professional Standards, Performance and Integrity in Policing at Chapter 26 set out clearly the circumstances in which an appeal may be brought and how the appeals should be progressed. A Police and Crime Commissioner has important procedural and administrative functions to discharge to enable the effective and efficient disposal of appeals. In the event of an appeal the Police and Crime Commissioner must ensure that they adhere closely to the legislation and guidance.


If you would like to attend a scheduled Police Appeals Tribunal then please contact the office with the following details as below:

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Organisation
  • Contact telephone number

You need to pre-register at least TWO working days before the Tribunal hearing and agree to the conditions of entry (see below).

Numbers of public attendees are restricted and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.  A proportion of the available seating is reserved for the media.

Conditions of entry

Public attendance at a Police Appeals Tribunal us subject to conditions of entry, which you must agree to abide to prior to entry being granted. Please read the conditions on the link below:

Police Appeals Tribunal – Conditions of Entry

The hearings will be chaired independently.  Occasionally, a hearing is not held in public or only a part is heard in public. To decide this, the Chair takes into account a range of factors:

  • national security
  • whether it interferes with the prevention or detection of crime
  • the welfare of parties involved.

Where the full hearing is not held in public, an explanation notice will be published on this website.

If the Chair decides that the evidence to be given by a witness or any other person should not be disclosed in public, an explanation will be given and the public will be excused whilst they give the evidence.

Upcoming hearings

There are no appeals currently scheduled.

Outcomes of hearings

At the conclusion of a hearing, the result will be published on the PCC’s website for a minimum period of 28 days.

Date of hearing Details Outcome Report
12/07/2022 PAT Hearing – Former T/ Detective Constable Sukhinder Basi Case remitted to a fresh hearing under Rule 26 of the Police Appeals Tribunals Rules 2020 PAT Decision – Basi