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June 2024 – holding to account summary

The below highlights hold to account topics that have been raised in June 2024 as part of the PCC function to hold to account.

PCC questions raised in meetings with the Chief Constable:

  • Delivery of Public Order and Taser Training, and opportunity for collaboration
  • Involvement with national productivity programmes
  • Partnership working with other emergency services within Warwickshire, through the Bluelight Collaboration Board that the PCC chairs.
  • Local impact of the changes to Misconduct Processes
  • Changes to vetting payment processes, and cashflow management.
  • Impact and value from the collaboration on Athena (crime management system)
  • Early feedback on progress of the ASB Hotspot pilot
  • Recruitment of transferees
  • Feedback and thoughts on the force summits, understanding the impact of these for the workforce, and how the force will take forward the feedback and matters raised from the workforce.
  • Resilience and continuity of arrangements following the change in personnel in key force roles
  • Approach to communications, and joint PCC/CC communication and visibility.
  • Preparations for summer demand and policing of the Euros, and associated Domestic Abuse Campaigns
  • Progress with estates priorities including the further development of the Leek Wootton site
  • Visit to the OCC to see how technology is improving response to calls, specifically 101s
  • Organisational capacity to implement technological changes, noting significant volume of updates and new systems.  Opportunities to share best practice arising from new technologies with other forces
  • Processes for supporting movement of abnormal loads through the county, and resourcing of the operational policing unit
  • Latest statistics on recorded crime and outcomes, compared with the national picture
  • Numbers of out of court disposals.

PCC questions seeking a written response:

  • Facial Recognition – a briefing on the usage and opportunity for retrospective and live facial recognition
  • Vetting – questions about measures in place to ensure trust and confidence of the public in policing
  • Right Care Right Person – a briefing about plans to work with partners to ensure individuals get the right support from the correct emergency service