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July 2024 – holding to account summary

The below highlights hold to account topics that have been raised in July 2024 as part of the PCC function to hold to account.

PCC questions raised in meetings with the Chief Constable:

  • The impact of the internal Force Engagement Summits, including information gained to take forward
  • Trust and Confidence in policing standards, following publication of information about recent misconduct matters, potential future Pension Forfeiture cases
  • HMICFRS Serious Organised Crime Inspection formal response, and preparation of an action plan.  Local benefits of the activity of the Regional Organised Crime Unit.
  • Vehicle Crime – statistics and detection figures
  • Home Burglaries – to check that victims receive a home visit.
  • Families First Pathfinder – how this programme would improve the lives of children and young people, and how its delivery would change policing approaches
  • Athena Update – the impact of the upgrade to this crime management system
  • Summer demand – how well the force were prepared, and the impact the demand might have on rest day cancellations
  • FOI requests – the CC’s reflections on the ICO decision notice relating to the Hunt legal settlement, and general timeliness of FOI responses, and resourcing of the team.
  • Approach to CBRN incidents
  • Arrangements of force governance
  • ASB in Stratford and Op Resolve (ASB Hotspot Policing)
  • Rural Crime Team vacancies
  • Impact of Early Prison Releases
  • Proposals for future delivery of Public Order Training
  • National policing matters including the incident at Manchester Airport, knife attacks in Southport, the Baird report, and national protests.
  • Availability of fixed and mobile speed cameras
  • Student Officer Training Programme future plans
  • Custody Inspections

PCC questions seeking a written response:

  • Custody